I'm drunk, I'm happy, and my voice is now worth something on Steem it.

My votes are currently worth 2 cents per up-vote and from what I understand that means I'm now in the swimming pool with the rest of the food chain inside Steemit. No longer am I the chum that swims around hoping to get digested and churned out as worth, I am now a small fish in a vast ocean...

...And boy, has it been easy.

Share your thoughts(real and honest thoughts), and get paid for it. How much easier could life get.

And sure, this could be classed as another circle jerk post but honestly, I'm about as happy a Portfolio Manager closing 100% winning positions in a week and I can not, for the sake of me, contain that joy.

I was skeptical 5 days ago when I first picked up this site... Now, my account is worth almost a grand. Steemit has basically bent me over, taken the doubt that I held, and shoved it straight up my tiny brown buttocks. And it feels great.

As vulgar as that may seem, it's the best way to describe this moment.

I feel like Bobby "Axe" Axelrod from the show Billions right now; fucking invincible.

I may just be a Minnow so far as this post suggests: @crypt0/steemit-whales-dolphins-and-minnows-the-importance-of-steem-power-on-steemit
But that doesn't bother me at all. I know that within time I'll be a whale, and those that were whales now will by then have become Submarines with trident capabilities; I'm totally cool with that. I'll keep treading the waters whilst these other apex predators take us along with them for the ride.

In three posts I've made what some people make in a week (and yes, I'm referring to my accounts estimated value, not one of three specific values, which from a share holders perspective is what we call total equity). That to me is amazing. It's like owning my own bank and all I need to print money is my own written word!

Even with the recent downtime we've experienced, this site will never die. It's too damn lucrative; to everybody!

You know how they say money makes people crazy, well this may just make a few of us lose our damn minds. $30k on a makeup tutorial... Fuck.
Friends who're not even using Steemit(because they're still skeptical), agree; "that's fucked."

So, lets make sure we as a community keep this shit up.

I'll be posting my own "verification/photos of myself" post soon, now that I feel entirely comfortable with the site. I hope I'm pretty enough for you all when I do

Oh, and if a drunken crypto/forex trader who's been on a 24 hour bender to keep up with market volatility can still write a half literate post like this, then even the biggest of dumbies can. I urge you all to try.
Please, if not for you then for the sake of my eye balls.

Until then, here's the most recent pic of myself I have online:

I'm very camera shy...

Until my next post... I'm off to go find a bucket to puke in.

Peace and Love!

  • Sensei
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