Drawing Contest Entry: UNSAVED

Mabuhay, fellow steemians!

I am here today to show you my #invisibledrawing contest entry hosted by @yoganarchista. I made a story of it so that you might understand this figurative illustration.

It was already dark when she reached for the door. She found her catching her own breath. She yelled for help, but nobody seemed to hear her. She looked for a clean sheet of cloth to cover her wound because the blood kept on flowing out her body. She was shocked to find three deep stabs of knife. She looked hopefully to her eyes, held her hands tightly and said... "Live! Do not give up, my little girl" and she only utterred the words apoligetically, "Goodbye."


I was very excited to make an entry for this contest. In fact, when I reached home the first thing I did was the preparation of the materials and tools that I would need for this.

The mechanics of the artwork is just to create any illustration provided that the lights are off. The mechanics appears to be very interesting to me because I never did this before and I am not used to turning off of the lights. It is not because it is dark, I am totally okay with it, but because I see figures and shapes even when its dark. I even see faces in things even in a well-lit room. Usually, I can see faces of monsters in the floor tiles, curtains, food, and many more. Maybe this started when I was a little boy - they used to ask me what figures I saw in the clouds... OR I JUST DON'T KNOW.

I chose to give a title called UNSAVED because
I see two figures of women here, and one seemed to be in trouble. The woman in the left appears to be surrounded of a lot of mess while the woman on the right seems to be looking worrily at her. So, I translated it that the woman on the right wasnt able to save the woman on the left.


• Black sheet of paper
• Signo white pen.


First, I prepared the tools and materials that I would use. In this case, I only used a blank sheet of black colored paper and a signo white ink pen.

Then I turned the lights off.

Then I started creating different lines. I am really surprised of the outcome because I only drew the things that came to my mind. These are the things that I thought I had drawn: a building, a chair, the Great Wall of China and the trees, an opened umbrella and two celebrities: Maine Mendoza and Allan K. I opened my eyes maybe after 5-7 minutes of scribbling.

I hope you enjoyed reading and looking at the pictures. Also, I wish that you tell me your own interpretation of the drawing. I would love to know it. And it would be more fun if you also join in this contest.




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