ANNOUNCEMENT: The Nigerian Millionaire Prince is Dead – Long live the Nigerian Contest. LITTLE THINGS MEANS ALOT. I>PLAY.

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Our three I>PLAYahs: Jokah, MythiRegaa, Djinneffa are having a few drinks in a local Nigerian bar. They're a bit tipsy when the-Fyooch arrives, his pocket bulging with SBDs.

Fyooch pulls up a stool and gestures to the bartender.

Joka: Hey, Fyooch. How goes it, man?

Fyooch: Good, good. How's the contest going? I hope my donation is being put to good use. I know it's only 40SBDs but...

Jokah, MythiRegaa and Djinneffa give each other sideways glances. Jokah stiffles a grin and sips his beer.

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Jokah: 40SBDs is a great start. Little things means a lot, man. Yeah. For sure.

The others nod in agreement.

Jokah: Is it your round, Fyooch? Your pocket's looking a bit heavy there haha. Let me help you with that, haha.

Being a kind soul, Fyooch digs deep into his pockets.

Fyooch: No problemo. Anything to help the Steemit community. What'll you have?

After deciding on the most expensive items on the menu, they order the round, all the trimmings, sparklers and all. The bartender delivers an impressive tray of drinks and appetisers to the table.

MythiRegaa: Wooo. I hope to see more competitions like this. I've got a knack for winning. Such a great opportunity. So good for everyone.

Djinneffa: Yes, yes. This benefits everyone, the whole Steemit community. Such a beautiful way to bring everyone together. You should visit more often, Fyooch. It's so good. Err, for everyone.

Jokah: For sure. Everyone benefits. Not just Nigerians. I'm so grateful for the opportunity to develop a good reputation and build a solid profile on Steemit.

Fyooch: It's my pleasure, guys. And, yes, reputation is important. Enjoy!

Djinneffa reaches under the table and brings out a cardboard box. Inside is a red velvet cake.

Jokah: Djinneffa; that looks soooo goooood haha.

He reaches to grab a slice but Djinneffa playfully slaps his hand.

Djinneffa: Nah.ah.aaah! Fyooch first. He deserves it. Go on, Fyooch, try the biggest piece. I baked this just for you. You won't beee-lieve!

MythiRegaa: True. Her cakes are legendary.

Djinneffa: Oh MythiRegaa. You say the nicest things, sweetie.

MythiRegaa: Don't. You know I'll blush.

Djinneffa leans in to Fyooch, pressing a large slice of cake to his lips.

Fyooch takes a big bite from the cake.

Fyooch: Mmm. Nothing tastes better than good honest hard work.

Jokah: Amen to that!

IT ENDS. Or does it...?

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