Iplay challenge week 1: The crime of a friend


In friendship, there is joy, love, pain, tragedy and conflicts but talking about its crime is a different story.

This is about the lengths to which people are driven by lust, passion, fraud, abduction and even murder.

This story depicts the relationship of six persons, not describing the love and friendship they portray but the depts of thier wickedness in secret.

Abbie...Hi guys, ready for the game tonight?

Joan..sure i am

Julian...i think i will pass

Eva... common julian, its just an hour long.

Then entered nick
Nick (smiling)...guess what

All...just say

Nick(jumping)...i won the lottery (8million dollars)

James(embracing nick).... Congratulations man

Abbie(thinking)...why does it have to be nick?

After the game
Abbie, joan, julian and Eva in the kitchen

Abbie...i don't think Nick deserved to win

James joan and Eva nods in agreement.

Eva...what can we do, i desperately need a new car, nick is not the giving type.

Julian...what do you say, we take him out...

Joan...i never really liked nick.

Jealousy strife and CONTEMPT in the hearts of Nick's friends. They pondered all night on what to do

Joan...Hey Nick, good morning

Nick...Hi joan, whats your schedule today

Entered Abbie

Abbie...Nick, julian needs you outside.

Joan and Abbie goes outside with nick walking behind him, julian was waiting outside with a javelin laid upright on the ground. As they approached the door, Abbie pushed Nick, falling to the ground, he was pierced by the javelin ending his life...james heard the bang and ran out.

James.....call 911

It was too late, Nick was gone .


Six friends were happy together, looked like they loved eachother, until one became more successful..it stirred up strife which in turn leaded to murder

In friendship, envy and jealousy someway creeps in..it might end up in a crime if not abolished

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