The Empty Pocket (A Comedy Play)


Boy walks down the road kicking dust with his shoes. A taxi stops and the driver beckons on him. Boys mutters something to the driver and the drivers waves him in. Boy enters the back, sighs and shakes his head. He then turns to the window and stares at nothing in particular. The driver waits for him to announce a destination. Sensing his hesitation, the driver decides to speak

DRIVER: Hello. Where are we headed?

BOY: (Jerks out of his reverie) You say what?

DRIVER: (Looks into the rear-view mirror) Are you aright?

BOY: Yes, I just had a bad day. Go on to Glasgow Road. I can’t remember the house number, I’ll tell you when we get there.

DRIVER: Okay (Begins to drive). So how was your day mate? (Eager to strike a conversation)

BOY: Terrible. (Shakes his head.) Just terrible.

DRIVER: You told me that before. Tell me about it.

BOY: How hard can it be to get a job in this city? Just how hard can it be?

DRIVER: What happened mate?

BOY: You want to hear my story? Fine. I will let you in on it.

DRIVER: (begins to drive slowly, eager for a story)

BOY: So I applied for a job last week Monday. They said I should come to the firm by 9:00am prompt. Not a second late, not a second earlier. That was a weird requirement but I complied. Why? Because I needed a job. So I walked into the firm at exactly 8:59 am. By the time I got to the receptionist’s desk, it was 9:00am.

DRIVER: Nicely done.

BOY: (Disinterested) Thank you. So the beautiful receptionist told me to go to the top floor. I walked into the elevator and just as the door was about to close, this lovely girl walked in. She was ravenous. Sorry, I meant ravishing.

DRIVER: Did you get her number?

BOY: What? No! Are you going to let me tell you the story or what?

DRIVER: I’m sorry. Continue.

BOY: So I stood there, the gentleman that I am, said my hi’s and waited. Now, just as we got to the top floor, I moved to the front. Most naturally, I was supposed to leave the elevator first. Just as I made to walk out, she pushed me and rushed out. I didn’t mind.

DRIVER: Cuts in) Very gentlemanly of you.

BOY: Will you keep quiet? So I followed after her and got to the secretary’s desk upstairs. When I got there, the secretary asked for my tag.

DRIVER: Your tag? What tag?

BOY: Oh! I forgot to mention that I got a time tag. So I dipped my hands into my pocket and I saw a different time tag. On it was written 09:02am. I was surprised, you know. Well, to cut the long story short, the girl stole my tag and that was how she got the job.

DRIVER: What the…? What did you do about it man?

BOY: Nothing. I decided to let it slip. After all I had another interview for this morning. I attended the one on Monday just to try my luck. It’s the one I went for this morning that I really desired.

DRIVER: Oh cool. So you got the job?

BOY: No mate, I got something else.

DRIVER: Like better pay?

BOY: Worse. (Notices how long he has been in the cab) Why haven't we gotten to Glasgow road?

DRIVER: Oh (Offhandedly) I decided to slow down to enjoy the tale. Don’t worry mate, we’ll be there in no time.

BOY: (Relieved) Better. So this morning, I got to the firm for the interview and they gave me a number tag. This time, I held it firmly in my right hand and walked cautiously to the elevator. By some coincidence, another girl joined me in the elevator. This time, I was prepared. I didn’t even reply her good morning. I stood there knowing I wasn’t going to be played a second time.

DRIVER: Yeah. Once beaten, twice shy.

BOY: What did you say?

DRIVER: Oh, it’s just a saying. It means something happens to you and you become extra cautious.

BOY: Oh! I wish I was shy man.

DRIVER: What do you mean?

BOY: Just as we approached the top floor, I checked my pocket for the number tag but couldn’t find it?

DRIVER: I thought you said it was in your right hand…

BOY: Yes, it was. When I got to the elevator I put it in my pocket. Anyway, when I didn’t see my number tag, I was enraged. I turned to the lady and politely asked that she returned my number tag.

DRIVER: You should have just reported the slimy thief.

BOY: Thief? You haven't heard the complete story. She said it wasn’t with her. Well, I wasn’t going to be played a second time so I forcefully opened her bag and saw her number tag in it. Of course, I thought she would have hidden it somewhere. She had a pocket in her inner shirt so I demanded she opened her jacket so I could see if it was in there. She stoutly refused. Well, I braced myself and forced my hand in.

DRIVER: Fire and Brimstone! You dip your hand into her dress?

BOY: No, just inside her jacket. Just then, the elevator door opened and some of the staff saw us in our compromising position. Instantly I explained what had happened but she kept denying it. Now you should know that my host, Gadalf has threatened to kick me out from the apartment once he returned so I really needed the job.

DRIVER: What did you do to him?

BOY: Long story. Another time.

DRIVER: So what happened to her? I mean the thief. She was arrested?

BOY: No man. I got kicked out of the building.

DRIVER: What? Why?

BOY: Because as I walked out of the elevator, the tag fell out of my trousers.


BOY: I forgot that there was a hole in the right pocket of my trousers. So when I felt my pocket and didn’t feel the tag…

DRIVER: (Finishes) …you thought you had been played all over again (bursts into laughter) Man, you story is super funny.

BOY: Yeah, thanks.

DRIVER: We are at Glasgow road now.

BOY: Oh, just stop here, I will walk the rest of the way home.

DRIVER: No problem mate. Sorry for your loss. Your fare is….

BOY: (Cuts in) Er… remember the hole in my pocket? Well, when I alighted from the cab I boarded to the firm this morning, I put the change in my right pocket.

DRIVER: What do you mean? What are you trying to say?

BOY: I mean, I don’t have money to pay you because I cant find any of the money I put in my pocket. It must have dropped out of my pocket the way the tag fell out too. So when I told you I had a terrible story and you said you wanted to listen, I thought you wanted to help a mate.


This is my entry for the #iPlay Challenge by @jochi

Hope you enjoyed reading


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