The Telephone Conversation (A Comedy)

Boy: (Picks up phone and calls Gadalf)

Gadalf: Yeah. What’s up Boy?

Boy: Dude! We’ve just been robbed.

Gadalf: Robbed?

Boy: Yes, robbed.

Gadalf: I don’t understand. You mean armed robbers came to the apartment? My apartment?

Boy: Yes man, they did. Five of them actually. One had a big scar on the face. Another had a tattoo like…

Gadalf: Hold on a second. What police station are they holding them in? And how…

Boy: Holding? They got away. More like walked away. I tried to stop them, you know. And I’ve got a broken ankle to show for it

Gadalf: Broken ankle? Why did you fight with them? You should have just let them be, you know. It certainly wouldn't be worth it.

Boy: Well, you're saying that because you don’t know what they took. If you did…. Anyway, as I was saying…

Gadalf: What did they take?

Boy: …the other one had a tattoo…

Gadalf: What did they take?

Boy: …like a scorpion. I think he…

Gadalf: What did they take Boy? Answer me!

Boy: Oh man, I don’t think you want to hear it…

Gadalf: Fire and brimstone! Answer the blasted question. What did they take?

Boy: Okay, I’ll tell you. When they entered, I was ready to give them anything they wanted. My only condition was that they spared your bedroom…

Gadalf: What? You mean you told them to search my bedroom?

Boy: No! I told them I would allow them search everywhere but the bedroom. I was only laying down…

Gadalf: Laying down what? Christ! What is wrong with you Boy?

Boy: Well, they ignored me and immediately went for your bedroom. All five of them. They left me alone in the living room and went to search out your bedroom. They even…

Gadalf: Enough man. Just what did they take from my bedroom? My laptop? I’ve got some pretty important files in it.

Boy: It wasn’t your laptop man, it was something smaller…

Gadalf: Thank God!

Boy: …and more valuable.

Gadalf: What? What are you saying? What did they take?

Boy: They took… I don’t know how to tell you this man. They took…

Gadalf: What did they take? Spit it out already. I’m losing my patience

Boy: Aright, aright, I’ll tell you. So I told them, take anything you want in this room but don’t go for his flash-drive. It is very important.

Gadalf: My flash-drive? That was all they took. Sweet relief. I don’t think they were real thieves man. They were probably just messing with you. A flash-drive? (laughs). You mean the one I got from kelvin right?

Boy: Er… no. Not that one. I mean the one where you said you stored some passwords or keys or something…

Gadalf: Wait. You mean my private keys?

Boy: Yeah, that's the one.

Gadalf: Jesus! You just gave away all of my cryptos.

Boy: All of your what?

Gadalf: Fire and brimstone! Are you that dumb? Did you really give them my money? I’ve got a thousand bitcoins stored in that flash man. Are you sure it’s…

Boy: A thousand what? Bitcoins? You said you didn’t have any money.

Gadalf: My God! I will kill you…

Boy: Kill me? You re killing me already. You left me in your apartment with no provision. You said you have no money. Now you're telling me you’ve got a thousand bitcoins stored in a stupid flash drive.

Gadalf: Just shut up will you. You just gave away all of my life’s savings? Argh! Have you reported to the police? What did they say?

Boy: I did. They said you should tell me the password to the flashdrive…

Gadalf: The passwhat? Stop messing with me Boy.

Boy: I’m serious. They need it to confirm if they’ve got the right flashdrive or not…

Gadalf: So they have it already? Thank God! I want you to impute the code yourself Boy. I don’t trust those sneaky police officers. Its I foresee you.

Boy: You what? I mean the pass…

Gadalf: It’s I4CU.

Boy: Oh. Thanks. Mhen, you weren't kidding. I see about a thousand bitcoins. One thousand and four actually. You just made my day.

Gadalf: What? What are you saying? Who is with the flash drive?

Boy: Who? The flash drive is with me. There was no robbery. I just wanted to find out how much you’ve got in this house. Consider one bitcoin spent. Kill me when you return. Goodbye!

Gadalf: What? Boy….

Boy: (ends call)

This is my entry for #1Play Challange by @jochi.

I hope you like it. I got the general idea from @anjkara and prompt from @jeaniepearl. The play is my original idea but these two awesome ladies inspired it.

The picture is from pixabay.

Thanks for reading


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