Isle of Write Community is at over 200 members!!! Message in a Bottle #6

Message in a Bottle #6
Origin: The Isle of Write
Sender: @authorofthings
Recipients: Steemit Creatives

’Tis but a fortnight since the very first
Of weary travelers alighted
On these as yet unknown shores….

Where no dweller was denied
A bit of rum, a bit of fun,
All to inspire to create

The very best in words
In verse, in pictures or in voice
Expressing freely what the soul demands

Where colors sparkle and each day
Our rainbow’s reborn and shines the brighter
Where we give back more freely than we take

Where we believe in magic that is borne
Of dreams combined to weave a larger dream
And where we toil by choice these fertile soils

For talent yet unearthed, for gifts unseen
And throw a little love to those who bring
A stunning skill that shines the light on Steem

Where there are no rulers and One rule:
“Be kind, be you and don’t be an ass”
And where for each endeavor - there’s room.

And no judgment, frankly, no one to judge
But many talents lending helping hands
To all who wield a pencil or a pen.

So it was no surprise the moon tonight
Shone bright upon two hundredth travel’r
To the Isle of Write.

And I should mention that upon our shore
There’s plenty room and rum for many more

Want to test our waters? They ARE warm. Jump in. Just click the Treasure Map Below.

art and flair courtesy of @PegasusPhysics

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