Sicuramente la strada non cesserà mai di esercitare un irresistibile “richiamo”, sia per i fotografi solitari che per le spedizioni organizzate. In fondo la piazza è uno spazio che si mantiene profondamente “giovane” e, per questa ragione, riuscirà sempre a fornire stimoli artistici e spunti originali legati alla vita di tutti i giorni.
It may seem strange, but the images that most involve the observers are not those made in a study or in a magnificent natural environment, but they are those that were taken in a public place or in a space where it is normal the presence of people who they act, move, perform their usual activities, entertain the usual social relationships. In fact, if usual situations are represented in a crowded place, the process of identifying who observes photography takes place easily, as it is led to believe that, presumably, it could also be found in that shot, while waiting for the bus or browse a newspaper. Through simple situations and subject to spontaneous behavior, street images add a significant social value to the realism of the urban landscape.
The fundamental purpose of street-photo is to be able to quickly block the fleeting moments of the daily life of hasty passers-by. Until some time ago, whoever realized that he had been portrayed sometimes was annoyed, but now it happens more and more often that he asks pleased to share with the author the shots in which he appears.
Only the most skilled and experienced, however, will succeed, like the famous Henri Cartier-Bresson, to grasp the decisive moment in which all the elements present in the framed scene are perfectly composed.
With the aim of representing the "human" peculiarities present in the streets, it is possible to shoot with any means (including smartphones), taking into account "we move better" with a versatile, manageable and space-saving equipment. For this kind of photographs a simple presentation in black and white is almost always the most appropriate.
Surely "the road" will never cease to exert an irresistible "call", both for solitary photographers and for organized expeditions. After all, the "piazza" is a space that is deeply "young" and, for this reason, will always be able to provide artistic stimuli and original ideas related to everyday life.