Sierpinki designed a configuration of triangles, that are really amasing!!! I think it is also nice the colour (white and black), the second one has more colours. The pictures were realized with Python.
According to **Wikipedia** Wacław Franciszek Sierpiński described the triangle in 1915!
Wow at that time my grandmother was just a teenager! :D That is a bit mindblowing in my opinion.
So we are a little bit late to celebrate its Jubileum, but his work was so interesting! I designed the two pictures with Python and I have great fun! I wish I had more time to study further mathematics!!!
Anyway, I thank his genius and I enjoy to work with Python every day more!!! There are other names for that creation such as Sierpinski gasket or the Sierpinski sieve!
I hope you have enjoyed my creation and I will see you next time.
Take care.
The pictures belong to me