Listen Emblemi on Musicoin
from Lost in Midnight by @djlethalskiilz
You are trying to understand the movement
Even when everything seems off
Step by step you are already inside
And by magic a great open
Everything seems true everything seems illuminated
Fragile and sincere the world that has hosted you
Begin a bit to understand where you are finished
Drag the suitcases of what you have lost
And now I'm here with my systems
I do the schemes to overcome your problems
As emblems of love and of our uniqueness
From great @djlethalskillz song Lost in midnight
Cerca di capire il movimento
Anche quando sembra tutto spento
Passo dopo passo sei già dentro
E d’incanto un grande aperto
Tutto sembra vero tutto sembra illuminato
Fragile e sincero il mondo che ti ha ospitato
Cominci un po’ a capire dove sei finito
Trascini le valigie di quello che hai perduto
E adesso sono qui coi miei sistemi
Faccio gli schemi per superare i tuoi problemi
Come emblemi dell’amore e della nostra unicità
Lorenzo Pistolesi : lyrics, guitar, voice
Dj Lethal Skillz : drum, bass, dj sampling
Regata Collective : mixing, pseudo mastering
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