Hodl and dance on AlgoRhythm
AlgoRitmo (AlgoRhythm) on Musicoin
Chinotatooart aka Alexander Rondon from Venezuela for artwork on
on Steemit too : @chinotattooart he is living in a situation of economic disagreement you can help him directlyAsterios Papastamatakis from Greece for the piano Dark Forest song on
https://musicoin.org/artist/0x44f10f4b8c8d90b003ea7d9d6c91a1513003aa6aLorenzo Pistolesi from Italy for voice and poetry
https://musicoin.org/nav/artist/0xa7643b40c62ad278c6e740a45117a3a7a538c064Powered by Regata Collective from Switzerland for mix and mastering
https://musicoin.org/nav/artist/0x3f6b19df2edaa872df87a5f8d9fd4a0e1f0424adThe songwriter's booster @djlethalskillz
External Link : https://musicoin.org/nav/track/0x32e3109efd6406f13a3e75272c157129a1d30276

(English translation)
And how can you believe it
to everything you find yourself reading
with those your thumbs stuck to your phone
You'd better start dancing a little
Because it's all an algorithm
E come si può credere
a tutto quello che ti ritrovi a leggere
con quei tuoi pollici appiccicati al cellulare
Faresti meglio ad iniziare un po’ a ballare
Perchè è tutto un algoritmo

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