When I Was A Kid Challenge: @jackmiller

Thanks to @grow-pro there is a new "CHALLENGE" out on the market!

NEW #iwasakid STEEMIT CHALLENGE • WHEN I WAS A KID _________. •

Now, this is as listed a challenge in which we should put up a photo of ourselves back when we were a kid, however I unfortunately do not have any photos from my childhood, as when my mum passed away my brothers cleaned out her house and all of these were lost for ever.
I never thought about it until I saw this challenge, always knew that all the photos from the past are at mums place, never thought about what happened to them after she passed away.

Ohhh well, such is life!

I do however have photos of my children and although I can't participate in this challenge here in my own name, I guess I can improvise and put up a photo here of my youngest child wearing his old mans slouch hat from back in the day.

So in many moons to come, one day in the future he can as a future Steemian show how he had participated in one of the many challenges that Steemians are participating in.

This particular challenge as such caught my eye, as it adds a human factor to Steemit, a way to show that all of us here were all innocent little children once upon a time. A time in our lives when everything was so interesting, when we all did the same sort of things no matter where we grew up in this multicultural and diverse world we live in.

So I looked forward to it and now with being a "power of attorney" for a future Steemian here is my #iwasakid post!

Karl ANZAC DAY 2016.jpg

This photo was taken a few years back on ANZAC Day and since then he has grown up heaps, to prove what I am talking about here are 2 much more recent photos of the same little bugger:


If you wish to participate in this challenge, here are the details:

NEW #iwasakid STEEMIT CHALLENGE • WHEN I WAS A KID _________. •

Started by @grow-pro


Want to Enter? It's Simple!

  • The post can be a photo from your childhood or something that reminds you of your childhood - music, food, clothing, toys, places, or anything like that! Feel free to get as creative as you like!

  • Be sure to use #iwasakid as 1 of your 5 tags in your post - this will help others view your posts related to the challenge!

  • Copy & Paste these simple rules so others can easily participate

Engage & Interact - the challenge is meant to bridge​ communication gaps and offer topics of discussion - even if you do not wish to make a post yourself, feel free to check out the #iwasakid tag and comment on your favorites. Friends are usually people we can relate to - you might just find a new friend!

Link to the post that started it all:

Thanks @grow-pro !

Til the next time,



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