When I was a kid, I was probably happy

Me as a barely conscious toddler.
Jed drive.jpg

I could swear I remember this event, but do I really?

Could it be a fake memory, invented to fit the picture. I know it's me as it passed down the family. But can I trust that I really do remember the moment this was taken? It’s interesting to me as this is one of the few images of me at this age.

Maybe my ambiguity about this memory is a good thing. I suspect most of our early childhood memories are hazy, unless we had a trauma maybe. I still vividly remember looking up out of my pram at a blue sky, being posed on a scratchy three piece sofa for a formal photo, and, maybe, a little less certainly, sitting on this cushion in a neighbours’ drive.

These days most kids will grow up with a fully documented and time-lined social media presence thanks to parents and relatives. How are they going to deal with that? Will there still be enough uncertainty?

Thanks to @lloyddavis and @steevc for sharing their entries.

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