When I was a kid - things were a lot simpler...

  • There was no internet (can you believe that?!).
  • There were less than 12 channels on tv.
  • To take pictures you had to use film.
  • Mobile phones were not invented yet.
  • My mom made sacrifices so I can be the person I am today.

me retro

Want to Enter? It's Simple!

• The post can be a photo from your childhood or something that reminds you of your childhood - music, food, clothing, toys, places, or anything like that! Feel free to get as creative as you like!

• Be sure to use #iwasakid as 1 of your 5 tags in your post - this will help others view your posts related to the challenge!

• Copy & Paste these simple rules so others can easily participate

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2 columns
1 column