When I was a Kid Challenge - 80's Chicken Dance & Night Club

When I was a kid ...

Circa 1987 I still have vivid recollections of being 11 years old and dancing the chicken dance with my Aunt Irene in a night club, in Italy. If that was not cool enough, I also got to sip champagne all evening. I have the glazed eye photo to prove it ....


The 80's back when parents could do stuff like this and not get socially shamed. I am sure that not may people can (er...would want to) claim to have danced the chicken dance as a child, and especially not in a nightclub in Italy, but for me it was a proud moment. If you would like to relive or experience this dance for the first time click here or got to:

Here's How You Do The Chicken Dance

  1. Begin in a circle with everybody facing each another (or simply stand face to face with another person)
  2. When the music starts, shape your hands like the beak of a chicken and open and close them for four counts.
  3. Make your arms like the wings of a chicken and act like you are flying for four counts.
  4. Place your arms and hands like the tail feathers of a chicken and wiggle your bum for four counts.
  5. Clap four times.
  6. Repeat this process four times.
  7. After the fourth time link arms with your partner and move around in a circle.
  8. Switch directions and do it all over again.

Want to Enter? It's Simple!

• The post can be a photo from your childhood or something that reminds you of your childhood - music, food, clothing, toys, places, or anything like that! Feel free to get as creative as you like!

• Be sure to use #iwasakid as 1 of your 5 tags in your post - this will help others view your posts related to the challenge!

• Copy & Paste these simple rules so others can easily participate


Go to the following link by @gro-pro to learn more!

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