Wushu Challenge 😎 Accepted 😎

I met @janicehung in the #gratefulvibes discord channel few weeks ago and probably because of the time difference we don't seem to meet much. This week she has this cool challenge that I only heard about it yesterday. Almost everyone in the #gratefulvibes family participated even @paradise-found so I though I'll have to join. In the end I'm the Karate kid in the family 😅 I mean how hard would it be?

Today I did some jogging and some warm up and then I tried the wushu moves. It was much harder than I expected. I chose the two forms that my body is familiar with the most. We have some similar forms in Karate so I thought this would be a smart way to do it and here's what came out.


Of course it wasn't easy to get these photos at first but thanks to this patient ninja master, I managed to do something a little close to what's required. This master did nothing to prove himself to me other than giving me this unamused and unsatisfied look that made me certain he could do much better than me and he didn't need to do anything more than that because I already think that all turtles are ninjas 😂.

I'm not claiming that I'm a good match to @janicehung, I can see the the differences between my posture and hers and I'm sure she can see it too, but I did some hibrid Karate-Wushu moves and I don't think they are bad at all. So, Janice, if you want me to act with you in a movie, all you have to do is ask 😉 😎 (of course the plane tickets for me and my master will be on you 😅)

PS: I was thinking about photoshopping a stick in the first photo but then I thought it would be cheating so I didn't do it.



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