Fond Memories of When When I grew up in Okinawa, Japan

When I was born, my parents and I quickly moved to Okinawa, Japan since my father was in the military.

We lived there for the first 6 years of my life. The above photo is me outside playing with my Okinawan friends.

All I have are such fond memories of being there. Above is my mom and I visiting a local temple.

I keep thinking about how I would love to visit again, and even go to mainland Japan. The people and culture are one of my favorites in the world.

I've admired and visited a few other countries in the world, but Japan is my favorite. I guess it's because I had my first memories there, and my family life was good for those beginning years.

Unfortunately, it would be years later that all changed when we moved back to the USA.

It's sad we live in such a dark world, now. I hope one day things become the best for all people's around the world.

I hate to think about how things don't seem to be getting any better, but worst due to a small few who keep it that way.

I suppose this is what this Earth realm is, and always will be. But I am happy that I got to experience some goodness, and am just thinking about how it was great while in Okinawa, Japan.

Peace be unto everyone.

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