Japan Photo Blog, Vol. 67 - Out for a Round of Friendship and Spirits, Niigata Style

My friend Keitarou makes his selection from the bevy of Nihonshu machines.

saké, "alcohol."

Niigata City is famous for a few things, among which are rice, nature, sushi, and nihonshu. "Nihonshu" is the Japanese name for what most people in western countries call "sak-ee." In Japan the word is not pronounced "sak-ee," but saké, and saké simply means "alcohol" in Japanese, or "spirits."

If you are looking to sample the numerous brands of nihonshu made in Niigata Prefecture, there's a fantastic little placed nestled inside Niigata station that will be right up your alley.

Just pay 500 yen (about 5 USD), received your five gold coins, and then choose your poison from a bevy of around 70 different small taps that dispense of the delightful rice wine. The flavors and impressions are myriad, ranging from bubble-gum sweet to almost pine-y, and it's almost hard to believe that this huge variety of saké is brewed right here in Niigata.

Let's go!

Coins in hand. Cup in hand. Ready to go.

A selection of salts from various regions to help you chase your drink.

Here's a video of one of the dispensers in action. This DHC was a nice, pine-y variety.

Back to the pics:

The Saturday night crowd enjoying some fine saké sampling.

When you're all done, and ready to turn in, or head to the next spot, just put your empty saké cup here, say "sayounara," and be on your way!

That's it! Kanpai!


(Thanks for stopping by. If you missed the last installment of Japan Photo Blog, Vol. 66: "Making Teenage Faces, Heading Out for Sushi, Enjoying Legos and Pop-Tarts," you can find that HERE.)



Graham Smith is a Voluntaryist activist, creator, and peaceful parent residing in Niigata City, Japan. Graham runs the "Voluntary Japan" online initiative with a presence here on Steem, as well as Facebook and Twitter. (Hit me up so I can stop talking about myself in the third person!)

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