Japan Photo Blog, Vol. 82 - "Haru."

春 🌱

Haru. "Spring"

The angle of the light is changing. The birds are beginning to sing more and more. Raccoons, rabbits, pheasants and the various insects begin to make their appearance in a way and timing no one could predict exactly, but which is reliable all the same. Even the light at the station in the evening has changed. Though the first two days of Spring here in Niigata, Japan were cold and gray, the days are becoming sunny and warm now. It's about time! This winter has been a long one. Let's go outside and take a look around.

They're here! I found some carrot sprouts awaiting me in the backyard garden this morning.

My two favorite people enjoying some much-awaited sunshine and snacks on the hillside.

Much work to be done! Lots of fun!


The evenings are becoming gentler and more patient in their approach.

Dusk at the station.

So happy Spring is here! Let's all have a good one!


(Thanks for stopping by. If you missed the last installment of Japan Photo Blog, Vol. 81: "The Sweet Quietness at the KafkA Shack," you can find that HERE.)



Graham Smith is a Voluntaryist activist, creator, and peaceful parent residing in Niigata City, Japan. Graham runs the "Voluntary Japan" online initiative with a presence here on Steem, as well as DTube and Twitter. (Hit me up so I can stop talking about myself in the third person!)

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