Top 4 Reasons for Japanese to Commit Suicide (Notes from Under the Tatami Mats–26 … My Adventures in Japan)

“Bullying by adults is loathsome. ... Organized and well-orchestrated bullying by adults in an office environment is loathsome and reprehensible.”

Japan ranks 20th in terms of suicide rate – one of the highest of all developed nations.

Much of this is owing to overwork and bullying. In fact, death as a result of overwork is not an uncommon occurrence in the country. They've even coined a word for it – "karoshi." 

Work to death, or work to die 

When the boss compels you to work 12-hour days – with barely any time off, with insufficient meals or meal-time, and with incessant pressure to complete a never-ending series of tasks – chances are you’ll die soon.   

If you don’t die, you’ll probably want to kill yourself, just to get some relief.     (Image source)

Beware the loathsome psychopaths 

As for the bullying, any organized and concerted bullying by schoolkids is pathetic. But the organized, concerted, and well-orchestrated bullying in an office environment by adults is loathsome. For all intents and purposes, it amounts to psychological torture.    

Nowadays, bullying may be less and less common, but it still occurs. It still occurs among Japanese children, and it still occurs among Japanese adults. And it still occurs much too often.

And it is still loathsome, inexcusable, deplorable, and reprehensible.     (Image source)

   Introduction to – “Notes from Under the Tatami Mats”  (right-click on title)

Top 3 Ways to Commit Suicide

Top 3 Reasons that Japanese Employees Are Never Fired

Top 3 Excuses Given by Japanese Employees When They Ignore Contractual Obligations to Foreign Employees

... and more

Links to my Other Series …

      Introduction – "Intro to Vocab-ability"   (right-click on title)
      Guide – "Guide to Entries"   (right-click on title)
      Index– "Index" to all Chapters and Sections   (right-click on title)

      Lou Reed – "Anthology of Memorable Lyrics, Part 1"   (right-click on title)
      Lou Reed – "Anthology of Memorable Lyrics, Part 2"   (right-click on title)

Images sourced from Google Images, unless otherwise indicated or unless my own.

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