🇯🇵 My first time using Japanese toilets! 🇯🇵


Toilets in Japan are high tech! I was so impressed with the toilets in Japan. I thought it was worth making a post about. When I arrived in Japan, the first thing I noticed that was different from American toilets, was that the seats automatically lifted their lids when you stepped into the bathroom. Then you are pleasantly greeted with a warm seat and the sounds of waterfall. (This helps mask the sound of you peeing).

When you take a look around you, there are usually all sorts of buttons next to you.


These buttons are all functional, and they help make your bathroom experience a pleasant one. You have the option to wash your butt and even blow dry it after! I was pretty scared to use that function, but I decided to test it out. The first time I used the butt washing function, I had a little malfunction as I didn't sit far enough back in the toilet seat. As a result, the water shot up and over onto my head! Basically, I got a light shower! It took me a couple seconds before I could turn off the function as all the buttons were written in Japanese. I had no idea what button to press! I came out with a damp head! LOL


Some toilets even come with a sink. When you flush the toilet, clean water comes out of the top into the sink. Then the water is recycled and filtered into the toilet bowl! How genius is that? Not only is it functional, but it also helps saves water! Go Japanese!

Anyways, I hope you found this post interesting. What cool things have you seen in other countries? Feel free to share below!


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