(JP/EN)Newbieの(新しく参加された)みなさんへ/Dear Newbies

Hi steemians... (English version is below)

最近、steemitへは沢山新しい方が入ってこられているようで、 @ace69さんの地道な手作業調査(どなたか簡単な方法ご存知ないですかw)によると3月には28人くらいの方が steemit #japanese に参加されたようです。でも残念ながらなかなか注目が集まらなかったり、書くネタに困って?なんかの理由で数回投稿してから音沙汰がない人も結構いらっしゃるのかなぁと感じています。特にsteemitに友達がいない人にその傾向があるようです。そこで、newbieのご本人に何をしていただけるのか、また、newbieの皆さんに対して何ができるかを整理するきっかけになればと思って少し書かせていただきたいと思います。詳しくは充実したマニュアルがあるので見ていただければですが(もう見てもらってるかもですね)、個人的に思うことを書きます。マニュアルはこちらこちら




これはけっこう大事です。もし登録して直ぐに、取りあえず投稿してみようと思って自己紹介をしていて、あんまり皆さんに見て貰えなかったなら、もう1回、少し間をおいて #introduceyourselfのタグで他の人の自己紹介の様子を見てから、仕切り直しをしましょう^^ その方がグッといい内容の紹介ができると思います。自分が何者かを話した方が、みんな興味を持ってみてくれるので差し支えない範囲で書いてみてください。日本語と英語など他言語を追加すれば世界中からwelcomeメッセージを貰える可能性が高まります。








色んな意見があると思いますが、私は個人的には、steemitは「英語で書かないといけない」という場所ではないと思っています。日本語だけの投稿から始めて、徐々に外国語を追加するという方法もありますし、日本語と英語の併記という方法もあります。もし英語だけでポストされていると、他のsteemianたちは(少なくても私は)日本の方なのかどうか解りませんし、声を掛けていいのか、掛けられたくないと思っているのかも解りません。もし英語だけでずっとやっていきたいということでしたら、気にしないでもらっていいのですが、 #japanese のタグがついていると日本のコミュニティの皆さんが気にしてみていますので、機会があれば日本語でもポストしてもらったらいいのかなと思います。最初から英語だけで投稿しても、タグだけではなかなかフォロー数もupvoteも上がらないのがsteemitの現状だと思います(体験済みです)

●マニュアルにもありますが #Japaneseのタグ以外に #jp-newbieのタグをつけましょう

レピュテーション50(名前の右横の数字)になるまでは #jp-newbieタグをつけていると@steemit-jpさんからサポートが受けられます。upvoteもいただけるので大きな励みになりますよ^^

●#japanese 以外の世界も覗いてみましょう




すみません、次にnewbieさんに定着してもらうための記事を書く予定でしたが、ちょっとビールが飲みたくなってきたのでこの辺りにさせてください。ははは。読んで戴いてありがとうございましたw なにかご指摘、コメントがありましたら宜しくお願いします^^



Hi there!

Recently, a lot of new people are coming in to steemit, and according to @ace69's manual research(hey does anyone know how we can find the number of new comers in a month in easy way??) , 28 people participated with the tag of #japanese in March.

however I think there are not so many active steemians unfortunately, because they can't get so much attention or... probably no communication with another steemians. Especially it seems there's a tendency those who do not have friends here. So, I'd like to write a little essence from my experience when I was newbie.For details, there are fulfilling manuals, so if you should check them out. :) I mean I'm going to write a few things personally.

Dear newbies

● I recommend you to write a self-introduction let community know about who you are! (Please use tag #introduceyouself )

Yes I know... Jpns people sometimes don't want to introduce about themselves but in steemit, it is quite important. Even if you've already did it just after you registerd and couldn't get attention so much, please try it one more time with the tag of #introduceyourself . And I reccommend you to check the tag #introduceyourself streem first... then you can see how people introduce themselves to the steemit world. If you have time and you want to communicate with steemit overseas, I think it's better to add English version on it then you may get welcome messege from all over the world.

● add your profile what you are going to post in steemit

I think you've already tried to add your profile and backgrounds pictures, and also you can add about what you topic you will post and what you are interested in. I think it's also better to write in Japanese for the beginning.... and English if you are going to write in English or other languages. These information help you and other steemians find who has same kind of interest .

● If you find some articles you like, follow,upvote and leave comment to have communication with others!

Perhaps this is not so easy for Japanese people at first, but since steemit is SNS, so I think it will be a short way to upvote and comment to interact with people. It is very effective.

● Find people who started at the same time and communicate!

Since there was no one I knew, so I was at a loss what I could do at first. However, when I became friends with two or three people who are interested in similar things and also started at the same time. We made comments on each other and upvote and encouraged each other and then we started joinning as a member of japanese community little by little.. You can ask small things you don't understand to these friends it's also very helpful for newbies.

● If you are posting only in English, try in Japanese too

I think that there are various opinions, but I personally think that steemit is not a place to say "you must write in English." I reccomend you to start with Japanese post or multingal post... you can choose your style later, but it is not so easy to start just in English especially English is not your mother language.

If you are posted with only English, for other steemians (at least for me) are a bit difficult to know you are Japanese or not. if you want to keep writing only in English, you don't mind about this messege, but if you use the tag of "#japanese" , it's generally in steemit means "japanese community" so some people wonder we should try communicate with you or not. Just a small advise I wanted to let you know.

● let's tag # jp-newbie in addition to #japanese

Until reputation 50 (number next to the name to the right) , you can get support
from @ steemit-jp if you add the tag of #jp-newbie. you can get big upvotefrom them and it will be a great encouragement for you,

● Visit steemit overseas

Sometimes try to see outside of japanese community. You can see how people post in English and what is the topic they have discussion... ideas, project, contest... There's a lot of possibility as steemians. I recommend you to visit there especially you want to try to write in English. It will help you to see the direction to create your post near future toward overseas.

● Register to Discord/chat application

you can check it from here and here to install it. If you have some questions, you can ask at a "question board" then some others will answer you. And also you can use it as a messenger or something, so you can communicate with someone directly if you like. And there's "post appeal" space too. I think this is also help for your post get upvoted.

I was going to write more, but I feels like it's time for beer! jajaja... so let me write them next time. Thank you so much for reading this and if you noticed something, please let us know... thank you!

I wish you "newbies" leave some comment here if you have something you don't understand or questions. I want to share it with other steemians in this opportunity!

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