steemit名前チャレンジ/The Steemit Name Challenge - @yo-yo

Hi steemians!


How was today for everyone?
I had one super happy thing today but I think I need to pass this challenge for everyone first... so I'll write about it next time :)

最近、 @taskmaster4450さんから発信されたと思われる ”The Steemit Name Challenge” というチャレンジが広まっているんですが、以前京都に住んだことがあるという日本通の @mathowlさんからノミネートされてしまいましたので^^;、日本語訳で書かせて頂きます。また、mathowlさんからは実名について書かなくてもいい @suesaさんのバージョンで回ってきていまして、私もこちらがいいと思いますのでそのままお回しします。もしオリジナルのtaskmaster4450さんの方で書きたい!という人はこちらを参照ください(英語です)。

私は @mathowlさんから名前チャレンジにノミネートされました。私は @taskmaster4450 さんから発信されたオリジナルの名前チャレンジではなく、 @suesa さんのバージョンで書きたいと思います。


●もしあなたがその名前を変更できるとすれば、どのような名前にしますか? もし可能性がある名前があるなら、それを教えてください。

#steemitnamechallenge タグを使用すると、このチャレンジの作成者がタグから追跡して全てをチェックすることができます。






@koto-art @osushi @sakanachan @rt395 and @argon

よろしくお願いします^^ Have fan!!

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I've been nominated by @mathowl for the name challenge. I won't follow the exact rules as in original name challenge by @taskmaster4450. Instead, I'm doing @suesa's version:

●Tell us in a post how you chose the current Steemit username you have. The story behind it.
●If you could change your current username, which name would you choose and why? If you have a possible usernames list, mention it!
●Use the tag #steemitnamechallenge so that the creator of the challenge can track all the posts and check them out
●Nominate 5 people for this challenge


Well... My first name sounds a little similar with yoyo(please say "yoyo" not "yo-yo-") , and the first person who call me "yoyo" is my partner. I often need time to make decision because I think too much, and sometimes change mind... so it is like " yo-yo-" as he said. Hahaha.

And when I hang out to have beer in local bar in Berlin, many drinking Berliners ask me my name. I let them know my name but it seems it's a bit difficult to pronounce for German people... and actually almost everyone doesn't remember it next time we meet at same place! So I just let them know "I'm yoyo from Japan!" Then everyone remember my name very quick even they get drank.

So I like my name "yoyo" and it becomes kind of my nickname... and actually it seemed another steemian had already took my name so I just chose "yo-yo". that's it. hahaha
※but I know it's better not to use "yoyo" to other person so easily...

And? if I would choose another name... I'll choose "mo-mo" or "no-no" these are also kind of cute and easy to remember like "yo-yo"! I think "yo-yo" is also easy to type for you... No?

So... I would like to nominate @koto-art @osushi @sakanachan @rt395 and @argon

thank you for challenging!! Have fan!

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