Hearts Joined Together (SWC)

It has been said that a mother and son

are connected but a few years ago I learned that I am connected to my father in a way you would never have imagined. For ten years I had been living thousands a miles apart on a different continent than my parents literally. I left when I was 25 and ended up living in Korea. I missed both my mom and dad and wanted to keep in tough more than I did. We were time zones apart so I couldn't call often and there was no kind of SNS network in the world at the time. I called them once a week long distance to check up on them and see how they were doing.

Meanwhile I just went about doing my business in Korea. Mostly I enjoyed my life and aromas of a new foreign country not giving too much concern for what was happening at home. I liked street food in Korea and meeting new friends and learning a new language. It was all exciting at first. I was young and healthy. I had no trouble sleeping before that time and I felt quite comfortable with the way things were going.

The first dream.

And then it happened. You know sometimes you get falling dreams and sometimes dreams where you lose your teeth but this was all of that and worse. I really wanted to get up but I kept falling. It wasn't one of those nice floating around falls but a fall into a bottomless pit. I though I woke but this was too surreal. When I looked in the mirror my tooth had fallen out. Then I was in the mirror.

The pain around me could only be described in colors. They were purples and reds and bright flashes of lightning. I didn't have a toothache or anything. This was the most startling thing and then I was at my parents house and the doorbell rang. My dad was sitting on the sofa and I went to open the door. There a man pushed himself in and shot me point blank with his gun. There was nothing I could do but fall again and this time I woke up sweating. I called my dad long distance and he didn't answer.

I called my mom and she said he was in the hospital and had to have surgery because of a wound he inflicted at work with heavy machinery. I cried and cried. There was nothing I could do. It was already over. He could never use his hand again.

Dream two - The Peaches

Since I got married our family couldn't have children. All the doctors said it was impossible. Then seven years later I began to have a reoccurring dream where I would jump over the fence of our neighbor's yard and began eating all the fruits from their trees. This sounds kind of normal but these were no ordinary fruits.

These were the biggest brightest and juiciest fruits that ever existed. They were like peaches but they were so big it took two hands just to keep them from falling apart. I held the fruit in one hand and then enjoyed the juiciness of the fruit with the other grabbing the fruit out and letting it drip all over my face. When I was finished, I grabbed all of these huge fruits that I could find and put them in a bag.

I kept having the same dream day after day. Nine months later my first son was born and he became the sweetest child. The connection between the father and the son seemed to pass to the next generation as well. He was really a miracle. The moment the nurse showed him to me I was so afraid even to touch him. He was so tiny as he was born a month premature but he grew to be a giant bigger than me by the time he was ten.

Dream Three.

A few years later I saw my praying on his knees and asked him what's wrong. He said, "I'm praying for a baby brother." I told him well that is really up to God. We can't just ask for a baby brother or sister. You were a once in a life time miracle. Then I began having terrible dreams again. I was fishing with my dad and it was a great time. The sun was setting and our poles were in the water. We hadn't caught anything that day but we didn't care. We were happy to be together.

Then the warehouse at the pier suddenly caught fire. There were timbers falling and fire everywhere. The fire was horrifying but neither I nor my dad was hurt. We survived the fire and on the dock of the bay was the biggest shiniest fish we had ever seen. This fish was bigger than my dad and I combined. The scales were like rainbows and jewels shining in the sky giving rise over the fire was the charm of the crystals on the scales of this fish. We just sat in amazement and wonder. This dream also repeated almost every night until I was sick. I was scared to death. What could be the meaning of this?

The miracle

My wife and I really did want to have a second child and thought it would be best not to have a one and only son. We went to a fertility clinic and had serious treatments for IVF including hormone estrogen therapy and artificial insemination and implanting the embryo and failed and failed miserably. We thought what a waste of money and pain. My wife was severely affected by the hormone treatment and broke out in a terrible skin disease. She would never be the same again.

Then six months later my wife was pregnant with a boy drawn from the water. His birth was also an unexpected miracle. Since then I had no dreams maybe because I'm content raising up these two boys and there is no message for me. But there is a message for you. In this busy world of mass communication and echos of commercialism and viral media take time to listen to the Supreme voice of God. We are not so great our majestic that we could form the universe. We don't even understand it. Each person's life is connect and beyond that an ultimate force that brings us together. There is a meaning and a purpose for everything happening around us.

This is my story. It led me to consider who I am and why I am here. I led me to thank God for the two boys I have and the life that I live and breathe every day. Thank you for listening. I love you and would love to hear your story as well.

Original Story and Poem by @mineopoly

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In the restless moment between slumber and awakeness
A voice calls out through the night
A pure heart can see and hear
The warning is taken with heed

All human hearts connected as one
Pains of another are not unfelt
Cries in the night are not unheard

Who knows what troubles we live with
Who knows what burdens we bear
One is willing to lift this burden
And it ripens into a luscious fruit

Words bitter to the tongue are chewed and digested
Out comes a sweetness the fruit of new life
Sorrows of despond are trodden for a time
At the end of the pond there is a savior
Waiting to take your hand.

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mining the heart

This story inspired me to create my first water color:

Heart Comet

This picture is original. Hope you enjoy it. All other pictures are public domain at pixabay.

Please visit my blog and share your stories. We can inspire each other @mineopoly.

Try this one: revival or chinese philosophy

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