Ideas & thoughts on/of Jesus Christ metaphor/symbolism to read and/or discuss

The following is a presentation of numerous ideas and thoughts from a variety of sources in my own research for understanding of Jesus.

The historic Yeshua was born in the year of 7 B.C.

"The miracle of Jesus is himself, not what he said or did about the future. Forget the future. I'd worship someone who could do that." ~ Rumi

The letter "J" didn't exist until about 500 yearas ago.

Yahshua is the correct name of the so called savior. Or the real live person which we know very very little about.
New Testament - war between intellectual enlightenment and human darkness and ignorance.

Jesus represents a metaphor of spiritual & intellectual enlightenment

Bible = Astrotheological Literary Hybrid - a political Roman story - mostly written about 300 years after this supposed time of Jesus. yet in the Bible Jesus never said anything and is only hearsay from what other characters said in the Bible. ~ Council of Nicea ~ Manifestation of New Testament

Over 100 books were removed from the Bible over time as well as God's name which was removed 6,823 times.

"The Christian religion is a parody on the worship of the sun, in which they put a man called Christ in the place of the sun, and pay him the adoration originally paid to the sun" ~ Thomas Paine (1737-1809)

Christ & Allah derived from Krysthl-A, from the seven cores audible sound tones of creation
Ka Ra Ya Sa Ta Ha La Kryst -> Christ HaLa -> Allah

Nazaranth also did not exist until hundred of years after the time of Christ.

The story of Christ is similar to that of two dozen others from other cultures and religions.

These include the stories of Horus, Attis, Mithra, Krishna, Dionysus, and others.

With numerous similarities of the following: born on December 25th, born a virgin, the East Star, 3 kings, crucified, dead 3 days, performed miracles, resurrected, and 12 disciples.

The sun dies or falls to its lowest point on December 22nd then rises three days later on December 25th with Bethlehem in the sky. As Bethlehem is not a place on Earth. As well as the East star and the 3 kings which are the 3 stars of Orion's belt in the Orion constellation.

#jesus #christ #religion #philosophy #spirituality

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