Tube Setting and Box Clasp

So some of you may have seen me mention that I make Jewellery, this has been a bit of a tricky thing to show to people for me online generally because photographing Jewellery can be so annoying because of how small it is. Adding to that, it's quite specialised so you have to have the right lighting set up in order to catch the light properly and then mess with the digital camera settings.

I'm almost there with the photography I think, but I think what i'm missing is a really bright light because the ones that I have now don't seem to be doing the job, hopefully though it's not too dark for you to see, let me know.

This is a tube setting I did as a present for someone I know it's not easy to show as the gemstones are set at opposite points but there are actually two stones in this tube setting, one at either end. They are two pink rhodalite garnet stones, very small but I wanted to do something fairly simple as I had a much bigger project I had just finished which I will show you next.

This is what I've decided will be one of my major showcase pieces, it's a box clasp bracelet, unfortunately I ended up accidentally popping my lightbulb somehow on one of the lights so it's not bright enough to show you the full thing definitely need to look at getting a good quality light source for my photography but I managed to take some decent close up photographs of all the other parts of the bracelet. As you can see it actually clicks together using the tongue which slides into the enclosure that then clicks into place. It took a hell of a lot of work to make this piece not something I'd do cheaply or every day because of how technical it is, I quite liked doing it as a challenge even though it was a relief to finally get it done.

Box Clasp when put together



leaf pattern sheets, they're the main part of the bracelet, the rest just clips it all together

I noticed there were quite a few photographers here on Steemit, if you guys have a particular light you'd recommend for Jewellery please let me know, I clearly need quite a strong bright white light, the lighting changes absolutely everything in Jewellery photography.

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