Work, what is that?

First of all sorry for my English, help me with the google translate.
I hope you understand.

Searching online, I found this "social network" in which I can share experiences, anecdotes and stories with the luck of being able to earn some money and in which I want to trust.
I am new to these places, this is my first post.
My best regards to all users.

The subject that I want to share with everyone and of which is already affected more than half the world and the majority of Spaniards, is the subject of work.

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I am from the generation of 89 and unfortunately as the vast majority of young Spaniards know very little what is the concept "work." Most of us have had few opportunities to contribute in Social Security, work is becoming more precarious, more exploited and less paid. It is increasingly difficult for us to create a future, a family. Very unfair situations that more than one can carry on the edge of madness.

I also want to talk about the issue of children, who are the first, the future of our country and the future of all. These people who in many places are not valued, are neglected and even suffer continuous abuse, others who suffer needs with their family.

Many parents want the school age to be able to leave their children in the free lunchroom for needy families, because they have nowhere to go to keep their children.
Others have the support of some of their relatives, parents or friends, a very unfair situation after our parents keep us throughout our childhood and adolescence, and even becoming parents have to continue to keep us and our children. A whole life of struggle.


Of the politicians we do not even talk, because you do not get rid of one of a crime related to money or profit.
Citizens are puppets, somehow or another the laws are finally made for that, so as not to get over ready and always have your site in first position, above all of us.

Because of this situation, in which we do not have work, we do not have an economy and therefore we do not have a quality of life, at least moderately good.

With all this I do not want Spain to see itself as the center of the universe, we are aware of how we live in other countries, we know it but many do not understand it, there are always places where we live worse and sometimes we do not know what we have.
But the truth is that the world is slipping, the poor are getting poorer and the rich are equal or getting richer.

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That is why there should be more opportunities like this "social network", which is developed by law and so we can all make some profits from content, which anyone can post on any free social network.

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