#Jokechallenge week 4 – Airplane joke


A lady was on an airplane and when she saw that she was thundering she got scared and asked the captain:

If lightning strikes the engine 4, what happens?

The Captain replied:

Well with three engines we are able to fly perfectly well.

And she asks again:

And if lightning strikes engine 3?

The Captain replied:

Well with two engines we arrived more or less at a good distance at full speed.

And she asks again:

If another lightning strikes the engine 2?

The Captain replies:

Well at full speed, with an engine we could get to the nearest airport.

The lady says:

And if a single lightning strikes that single engine?

And the Captain says:

Well, we take out a spare one and put it to work until we get to the nearest city.

What if another engine lightning strikes?

Then the Captain says:

Well we take out the second replacement engine and put it on, let's see where we landed.

And the lady says:

Captain where do you get so many spare engines?

From the same place where you are getting so many rays!



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