The Dog Investigates: Can we Skip Our Way to Happiness?

  We have all observed children skipping along joyfully. It seems to be a very age specific way of movement and if an adult does it they are said to look foolish.   

This morning, while doing my cardio exercises I decided to skip along as an experiment. I'm telling you, I couldn't wipe the smile off of my face as a giddy feeling of happiness welled up inside me. Was it just a psychosomatic reaction in that moment or was there more to this? I decided to investigate.    

 Try not to laugh and smile while skipping. You can't do it! Image from

  My Joyful Skipping Raised in my Mind Some Interesting Questions  

  •  Is skipping hard wired into children's genetic code?
  •  At what age do we generally stop skipping and why? 
  • Can a "forced" skip really make me happier? 
  • Does skipping actually cause a change to the brain?  

You can learn a lot about the effects of skipping on both children and adults from the documentary film by Tim Heath Leuzarder out called “Skipping Joy”.  

In order to whet your appetite here is the trailer for the film:

  Joyful Facts About Skipping  

  • The fact that it is cross-cultural has some cognitive neuroscientists believing that it is somehow innate in us all.   
  • In making the film Tim Heath Leuzarder was surprised at how quickly people experience happiness, or a shift in their state when they begin to skip.    
  • At the site ( which was created by super skipper Kim Corbin way back in 1999) you can find all types of articles, advice for getting started, support groups, tips and answers to frequently asked questions. 
  • During an interview for the Huffington Post  Kim Corban stated:  
  While I could go on and on about the positive impact having a regular skipping practice has had on my life, the bottom line is that it is the most fun and uplifting way I’ve ever found to be fully present in the moment. It integrates body, mind, and spirit in numerous ways.  

  How do You Feel About Skipping? 

  • Would you like to try skipping in order to bring back child like joy? 
  • Would you be too embarrassed to do it in public? 
  • Will you be a closet skipper?     

I hope that you enjoyed this article about "Skipping Your Way to Happiness"

Until next time,

@kus-knee (The Old Dog)

Remember, I reward the best comment(s) on each of my posts with my "The Old Dog is Throwing You a Bone" program! So please re-steem and follow so that we can spread the wealth!     

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