The price of Steem is about to go much higher and soon millions of Steemians will be Steeming us to a much better world. Disclaimer: I don't know the future. This post might seem to be a bit convoluted at first but in the end it all make sense and end up pretty easy to understand. At least that's what I love to think.
Don't be fooled by the picture. Steem is not a get rich quick scheme.
Steem was created in March 2016
- I've been paid $130,000 US since May 2016 working on Steem.
- I had ~$6,000 worth of Steem in mid-March 2017.
- The Steem price has gone up +30 times since then.
- I'm #80 of the best paid author.
- $497,330,886 (The current value in US Dollars of all the Steem)
- ~Less than $3,000 to mine the initial Steem. (Source)
- Steem has been good.
What Will You Be Steeming When Millions Are Watching!
- Pretty much the same I've been Steeming from the beginning
- Life has been good to me. (In some regard at least.)
- I'm very aware some people have had it much harder than me.
- Life sometime seems unfair.
- We all stand for what feels right, what feels the best or truest.
- We evaluate risks and benefits for every actions we take.
- Without the risk of loss no true measurement of value can be made and no opinion can be trusted. (Reference: Decentralized Governance)
- Money is created out of thin air by some central authorities at the expanse of everyone. I'll touch on this a bit more below.
- The art of war is of vital importance to the State. It is a matter of life and death. (The Art Of War, 500–320. B.C)
- All warfare is based on deception. (The Art Of War, 500–320. B.C)
- Inspirations
Dan Larimer
The Inventor
Dan Larimer, main inventor of Steem has been my biggest inspiration over the last year. I've done a post detailing some of the reasons why he's been such a big inspiration. It's titled: "Thank you Dan Larimer! You are a great mentor!" It ended up being the most trending post at some point.
His Ideas
One of Dan's best post is titled: "Why do we fight to change the world" and begins like this: "What are we working toward and why does it matter? How do we get there? Should we give up comforts today in pursuit of an elusive utopia that we hope to bring about? These are the questions that need to be answered and understood at a deep level if we actually want to change the world.". I feel like it really brings up some of his greatest values and concerns.
Why I Wrote This Paragraph
My post about Dan is one of my most profound. The vast majority of it are direct quotes from Dan's writing. I highly encourage people who enjoyed some of my other article to go take a look at it.
Cryptocurrency's Best Stats
Chance Of A Lifetime
Looking At The Present
- Cryptocurrency's market cap is ~$100B (Total value of all cryptocurrencies.)
- Cryptocurrencies are the ~88 biggest public companies in the world. (Market cap.)
- Bitcoin represents ~45% of this market cap.
- Bitcoin price have gone up approximatively 519,900% since January 2011.
- 1,000$ of Bitcoin back then is now worth ~$5.2M.
Looking Into The Future
At the current growth rate, cryptocurrencies will overtake Apple's market cap of $808B in less than 6 months, before 2017 even have time to end.
Why I Wrote This Paragraph
I shared the reasons why cryptocurrencies marketcap will most likely overtake Apple under the sub-chapter named Bitcoin. People who never heard of Bitcoin might have to do some research to understand it.
Please refer to "Steem: An In-Depth Overview!" if you never heard of cryptocurrencies.
Standing Up For A Better World
Combatting Abuse
We stand for a better world, a world where we work to combat abuse, wherever we see it. Like I've mention above, all countries are dependent on war and the basis of war is deception. This has shape up our world a pretty good deal.
Free Market Solution To Violence
"About 5 years ago I came to a realization that the solution to the organized crime syndicate commonly referred to as government must be born from the free market. Furthermore, any free market alternative to government that is unable to free us from the current government will not be strong enough to prevent a new government from taking over." Dan Larimer
Part of Dan's non-violent means of rendering violent forms of government powerless has been to create Steem. We're not exactly sure how he came up with the idea and how much of it came from other people like Ned, CEO of Steemit but one thing is sure the whole experience has been life changing for quite a lot of us already.
Steem 5 Main Tenets
- Steem has value. (Can influence people's attention.)
- Steemians lose or gain something with every actions.
- Thus, true measurement of value can be made from those actions.
- Overtime, truth will be distilled from the mass of dissenting opinions.
- Those who act wisely grow in influence, those who act poorly shrink.
The Present Moment And The Horizon
Like I've said above, I don't know the future so I try to live in the moment. Now, that being said, Dan's just publish the whitepaper of his newest project named EOS. A pretty accessible video presentation can be found here. If you wish to stay inform on the subject make sure to follow them on Steemit and subscribe to their mailing list.
As Dan mentioned somewhere, EOS doesn't make Steem obsolete but from what he said I wouldn't be surprise to see Steem being ported on EOS or being made directly compatible with it at some point.
TeamSteem: You Will Know My Name!
Video I've made especially for this post!
Original Video: (Not Another Lame) Fight Song by Kawehi
What I Stand For!
I'm here helping in the creation of decentralized systems which empower and bring Joy to all.
Wealth is just a tool and not an end in itself. Joy is what I'm all about.
Approving My Witness
I'm now signing 9 blocks a day, 1 more than before the publication of my previous post. Thank you to everyone who voted!
"What Are Steem Witnesses And Why You Should Support Them!"
Find Out More!
- #1 "Stand for What Feels Best!" (Money in the world today is created out of thin air by a small elite group at the expense of everyone else.)
- #2 "Steem: An In-Depth Overview!" (The most in-depth and clearest guide to understand what Steem is and what it can do for you!) (Reached top #1)
- #3 "The Ultimate Steem Guide!" (How to Use Steem: The revamped edition.) (Reached top #1)
- #4 "Steem: The Most Enjoyable Governance Tool Ever Devised!"(Everything we ever did was an act of governance.)
- #5 "Make More Steem: Verify Your Introduction Posts!"
- #6 "Some Steem Stats" (The most empowering cryptocurrencies stats you'll read all day.)
- #7 "What Are Steem Witnesses And Why You Should Support Them!" (The clearest guide to understand what are "Witnesses" and why you should vote for them.)
- #8 "Some Steem Tips For Some Steem Success!" (Who to follow and many more Steem fundamentals every serious Steemians should know!)
- "Thank you Dan Larimer! You are a great mentor!" (Dan is the Ex-CTO of Steemit)
- " Set To Become The World's Most Popular Website" (Part of The Ultimate Steembook)
- "The most beautiful thing I’ve ever heard" (My best paid post at 8,000$)
- Official
- (24h/7 Voice chat)
Thank you!
Thank you for reading and for your comments! I read them all! Most of your answers can be found here: "Steem: An In-Depth Overview!"