IFC S1 R32 - Freedom - - - "A small musical tribute to Freedom"

Artwork credit - @yeszuzia on steemit and instagram



The subject of this quest is one I think that is really important.. One of the most important things actually.. "Freedom" or the quality of being "free" Free in etymology is believed by some to mean "To love". And I think that's a good description/definition. Cause if you truly love someone or something, you set it free right?

A small Bonus question: How do we help freedom grow in the world? I'll give a bonus 1SBD to the person who I think answers that question best.

          Not an easy topic to cover fortunately @apolymask has always given us the freedom to interpret the challenges... Your entry doesn't have to have anything to do with politics or writing, it could be a song or a drawing or a movie or just about anything you can think of,...so here is my entry.

          I think by now a lot of people know I like music, I may not be able to play an instrument, or to sing, but I do enjoy the freedom of being able to listen to music. Here is a song by Janis Joplin that was from my early music forming years, I liked it then, and I still like it:
source:whodoyouthink8 youtube page Standard YouTube License
          Hitchhiking was a very common thing in the late 60's early 70's, and was a means of transportation for many young people. It gave people the freedom to roam, to travel and to, for a short time in their lives, not be burdened by thoughts of tomorrow. They were for a very short time in their lives Free to do and go as they pleased.

"Sir Elton John", if you have not listened to the whole album, you really have missed out on some good music.

source: SirEJ47 youtube page Standard YouTube License
          Another one of early songs that has stayed with me for all times. What has it to do with freedom? To me is is all about freedom, not letting another tie you down, not letting another put you on a path you do not want to travel, whether is a friend a family member, a lover, or society. It is about making choices that we want to make, of reconciling, and correcting the mistakes of our past.


          What does it mean, is like in the movie "Brave Heart", or "The Patriot"? is it in a song like one of those above?...Freedom is what we as individual assign ourselves. I don't want to go into the politics of it, for every individual the definition of Freedom is going to be different. For me it varies, and has varied over time, it comes to mean a lot of different things. For right now, Freedom means I can write this post and share it with people all over the world.

          The Bonus Question How do we help freedom grow in the world?

For me it is a simple answer, we share a part of our lives with the people of the world, we share our thoughts with the people of the world, we accept the offer of sharing from other people of the world, we look at and accept their words of how it is in their country. We do not go on a rant of misdirected self righteousness toward our neighbors just because they think differently about a subject. Their society is no more wrong than our society, or Hantz Jr's society, or Mr Kim's society, or Franco's society. or the bloke down under's society. Society starts out small, Family, then it grows to community, then town, city, county, state, country, and then the world. All those levels of society are different and have their own boundaries, we learn about the boundaries, then we learn how we can accept them.

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