"Information Finding Championship - Season 1 : Round 3"-- "?-Word Contest Idea"

?-Word Contest Idea

          A very simple contest? Or is it? The contest only requires one paragraph, of four sentences. The length of the sentence is up to the writer. So here are what the rules for this proposed contest would be.

  1. Write one paragraph.
  2. Paragraph must have four (4) sentences.
  3. All words must start with the same letter.

    Remember this is a proposed contest for @apolymask "Information Finding Championship - Season 1 : Round 3" contest. It is not a real contest yet.

    Source: Pixaby Images Public Domain CC0 Creative Commons
    So here is what an entry would look like:

              Four fat frogs flipped four fat flies frying. Four fancy ferrets found four funny felines. Four funny felines fought four ferocious foxes. Four fancy ferrets flew forward fighting four ferocious foxes fighting four fancy felines.

    Your four sentences should sort of make sense, at least a little bit.


Can be found here :
Information Finding Championship - Season 1 : Round 3 (150 steem grand prize) Contest by @apolymask
3 columns
2 columns
1 column