"Information Finding Championship - Season 1 : Round 4 - My Meme Try"


          Sometimes I can be funny, I do like playing with words as you all saw in my last contest entry. But other than the use of words, I have a hard time being funny, I view @apolymask contest as a chance to try different things out. I am a definite beginner when it comes to meme's, but one learns by trying and then doing and then showing, how else does one know if they are learning if they keep everything hidden. So I am using the contest as a means of learning and having fun, who ever said learning had to be boring, it can be fun done in the right environment. In six months to a year I will be able to look back and probably laugh my ass off at my attempts to create a "Funny" meme. So while it may not be funny to me yet, it may be in the future.


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