My entry into - - - - "Farmpunk Flash Fiction Contest - The first EVER! by @blockurator" - - - - "Dylan"


          Dylan was atop the Harvester, it was fully automated, and really did not break down often, but someone had to be there for that just in case something went wrong time. A small solar flare had shut down one of the commercial satellites, that caused a timing glitch and a position glitch in the Harvesters programming, A rare occurrence, but after losing half a crop last year due to a glitch, Dylan always rode the Harvester.

          Dylan noticed some smoke from in the direction Ernie's place, he pulled down his halo visor and gave a shout to Gwin. “Gwin, I'm noticing a lot of smoke over in the direction of Ernie’s place, Can you check the high res….can that Gwin, get suited, raiders at Ernie’s, Meet at the barn, bring my gear”. While talking at Gwin Dylan had been turning the smart mikes and built in cameras toward the smoke, and heard gunfire, then the images came in from the smart mikes, no doubt raiders.

          Dylan maneuvered the Harvester back to the barn and shut it down, He did this in the background he had been using the smart mikes to keep track of the situation at Ernie’s, Parabolic mikes capable of hearing a frog fart at two miles away, with a built in high resolution video camera, at least that was the advertising for them, they did work, and since the frogs all died years ago, no one could say they lied. In truth they were damn good at picking up a loud noise like a gunshot, not so good at hearing people talk.

          Dylan, being Dylan, didn’t like that so he messed with a couple of the ones he bought, his smart mikes could hear voices now. It was a simple matter the sound sensor they used was intentionally designed to ignore human voices. So a new sensor, and a little bit of programming, and Dylan could now eavesdrop on people from two miles away.

          Gwin, his wife, was just coming in the back with the duffles. It still amazed Dylan when he saw her carry those two bags. They weighed fifty pounds each and she carried them as easily as someone would carry two feather pillows. Dylan knew she loved to show off her strength when she had a chance. It was of course due to the molycronium flex steel tendons and muscle grafts she had. A simple procedure, but one that involved a lot of pain afterward. The Enclave government forbid the procedure several years ago, Gwin had her procedure done before the ban, Dylan, well he went to the black market.

          “Okay Dylan, Whats the situation, and what do we know so far”? Gwin asked.

          “The smart mikes have pegged twelve in Ernie’s compound, not sure how many sitting out, at least one directing operations, maybe two. I have a smart mike drone in the air searching, but it has not found the..hold that thought”, Dylan had noticed a small glint to the right in one of the drones, he turned it in that direction, Ah there they are, he thought. Gwin looked over at him, with a question in her eyes. “Okay Gwin, yeah the drones found and marked them, I am bringing the drones back”, he stated as he headed over to the hover track.

          Dylan and Gwin had been together for a lot of years, had gone through a lot together getting and keeping their farm, and no one was going to come and try and force them or their friends off the land. Dylan had shunted the info he had over to Gwin’s visor. As they approached the hover track he indicated for Gwin to drive. It wasn’t a big vehicle, but big enough for Dylan to armor up as Gwin was, by the time he was armored up Gwin had them on track to ambush the Control team.

          “Hello Ernie, I know you are just a tad bit busy right now, but help is on the way, are you and Marge alright”? Dylan inquired over the hover tracks com panel.

          “Well bless my soul if taint little Dylan, you got that pretty lady of yours with you”? Ernie asked, being polite as ever, even when he was being shot at. “Of course ya do, she’s a smart woman, I've pegged eight on the land here, Bess and, Kyle are out hunting for the control team”.

          “Your missing four Ernie, there are twelve in the compound proper, the few you likely missed hung back from the others and are circling south south east around you. You get Bess and Kyle back to you, Gwin and I have the control team, there are only five of them and we can handle them. Here is the last position on the raiders I have”, Dylan pushed the update to Ernie.

          “Hot damn jello Dylan, thanks, Kyle and I are tied in to Pops, and damned if we almost didn’t run into those sneaky bastards. Pops, we got the four back door peeps, They will be in for a surprise, don’t you and Ma worry about Me and Kyle, he is one heck of a good shot.” Bess broke in on the com.

          Dylan kept everyone tied in to his com, one thing he was very good at was multitasking, ”Ernie, Bess, Gwin and I are about to make a lot of noise, You really needed a new pond Ernie, you can thank me afterwards. Fire it up Gwin, lets not let them know what hit them.” Gwin Lined up the Fusion Ultra Condensed Kyro Enhanced Demon Urban Popper, “Give me the word and new pond made.” Gwin grinned at Dylan. “Here goes, shut your mikes down Ernie, cover your ears, in the hole”. With that last word Gwin launched the F.U.C.K.E.D.U.P. missile.

          Bess and Kyle popped from cover as soon as the missile exploded, the goons squad was in shock at the noise, and stood out like lemmings in a turkey shoot.

          Though the compound intruders were in a good cover position, they came under a withering three way attack with nowhere to turn since the barn was still ablaze. The fight was over in just a few minutes.

          Ernie came out of the house followed by Marge and trooper there little dog, well not as little as some, about half the size of a shepherd. As soon as Trooper saw Bess come around the corner he took off like a bullet. “Damn dog almost got himself killed when them goons showed up, he wanted to go and tear them up, especially after Bess went out, had to crate him up.” Ernie said as Bess and Kyle joined up. “What can I say Pops, he loves me as much as Kyle, you should have seen him Pop, he got three of them by himself, I knew he was a good shot, but he is greased lightning when it comes to target acquisition and engagement.” Bess was all smile.

          “The kid did well Ernie, you got to admit that,” Gwin said as she came to Bess’s aid.

          Dylan was examining the body of whom he thought to be the leader, based on the quality of his armor, and mostly his foot gear. “You may have a problem Ernie, do you know who the raiders work for? I think we may have a problem also Gwin. Look at the sole of his boot.” Both Gwin and Ernie looked as Dylan suggested.

          “Shit and watery jello.” both Gwin and Ernie said at the same time, Bess and Kyle looked at Dylan, they did not know the symbol on the track pattern of the foot wear. Dylan saw their confusion.

          “The boot marks indicate that these raiders worked for Crystal Green. I think we are going to see more ‘Raiders’ in the future, they will not give up till they have our land. Any way killing makes me hungry, what you got to eat and drink Ernie, we need to talk plans.”

          The above story is my entry into @blockurator - - - - Farmpunk Flash Fiction Contest - The first EVER! - - - - Some of my followers may have noticed that I am doing more writing, I enjoy it, and am trying to learn, how to establish and build a story. So I have been taking advantage of various contest. I enjoyed trying this short story, It was not an easy thing to do, but enjoyable nonetheless.

Comments and critiques are appreciated.
I had no photo or picture of my own to go with the story, the image is from @blockurator contest post, and sourced there.

Little Pinky bar from @shasta

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