Just Steem It. (Perfecting the Pitch with Minimalism)

Dear Steemit community,

A few months ago, @donkeypong and I produced a guidebook called Simply Steemit. The hope was to make it short enough as a newbie's guide. It was 10-pages long. Whether or not it really helped the broader community, this is a personal continuation, an attempt to really simplify Steem or Steemit.

I believe in minimalism

I believe that it has useful effects on product perception and product iteration.

Steem / Steemit means different things to different people, so I think that the platform itself is the perfect solution for its own decentralized marketing. Marketing itself has the power to shape future product iterations.

So far we have "Blog. Post. Earn." and "Your voice is worth something."

I think they are pretty decent taglines.

But I think we can tap into our own experience of using the platform. It would be perfect if we could really simplify Steem / Steemit into a one pager, much like the ten commandments, or something like that for wider understanding and adoption. It will be a dynamically changing list, as we work towards perfecting the pitch.

Zero transaction fees, made to look like a middle finger emoji.

The art of zen.

Minimalism is really just an excuse to have most impact with the least amount of effort. I'm not a professional designer, but I find practising design in minimalism is both fun and effective. I would recommend anyone who wants to have a dig at visual design to start doing minimal stuff with ready-made tools and images. Like Gimp, or templatey stuff like TypeSlab. Any good apps for minialistic designs?

Sacred geometries, just for the win.

Decentralized self-marketing entity.

Everybody can participate in perfecting the pitch. The act itself inherently benefits everybody. We don't depend on one message. We work together to formulate many messages for the many different minds around the world. Minimalism is a great way to anchor this ongoing crowdsourced project.

As a branding enthusiast, I hope #juststeemit posts get support. To embody minimalism, I'll also try to keep #juststeemit posts short and instructive. I know, another circlejerk.

Just Steem It!

What does it mean to you?

All original works, except for Steem logo.

Inspired by @thecryptofiend's post here

Follow me @kevinwong

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