Steemy Summer Party Kansas City

Posting on Steemit has been a bit of a “no-go” for the past week at the Garden of the Goats. With Grandpa Goat and Grandma Goat visiting from N.C., @addijayne0911 coming up from college (summer work study) to see us all, and everything else going on, it was a bit of a busy “vacation”. Regardless of the busy couple of weeks, @clickinchicken and I committed to go to the Steemy Summer Party in K.C., which was put together by none other than @stellabelle!!! Let me just say it was a spectacular end to a vacation. We were excited to attend, to say the least, and it was well worth the trip. If you have the chance to go to a meet up, don't hesitate. You never know who is going to show up!

Well, looky there! It's @papa-pepper and @ stellabelle in person!

The thing I liked the most was the diversity of people with a common interest. If you want to talk homesteading, talk to this guy. If you want to talk cryptocurrencies, talk to the person behind you. If you want to hear good music, someone is playing and singing right over there. My only regret is not taking enough pictures, but there are plenty floating around out there!

2017-06-25 16.56.58.jpg

Thanks again @stellabelle! You put a lot into it and it was a success. Thanks @sykochica for noticing I was in Missouri and telling me about the event!

Those who attended:
(If I missed anyone, please comment!)

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