"She liked it" - Keangaroo Writing Contest Prompt - Prize Pool

I've hosted three writing contests at Steemit with $20 SBD first prize and $5 runner-up awards and $2 steem shelves.

And now, for something completely different....

The Isle of Write

is on the lookout for excellent fiction and poetry. For the next eight weeks we will curate stories old and new (yes, even those past payout). Every author of a curated fiction piece will receive 5 SBD and an invitation to be included in our Steemit Anthologies.

Five anthologies --coming in April of this year--one for Steemit Poetry, and four for Steemit Fiction:

Science Fiction/Fantasy

Our goal is to fill each anthology with curated Steemit authors to showcase the talent Steemit has to offer. Click on The Isle of Write Curation Announcement for further details.

Back to the Contest:

"She liked it"

sounds like a good final line of a story. I hear echoes of "Reader, I married him" - the famous line in Charlotte Bronte's immortal "Jane Eyre."

In fact, after floating a "She Liked It!" Trial Balloon with this idea, I received an entry already, and it is stellar. That entry solidified my conviction that this is a worthy prompt.

If you assume "She liked it!" can only refer to some sexual plot device, see My Previous Post in which I credit @geekorner with inspiring the prompt, then refute him when -- well, see for yourself, if you wish.

Also, everyone knows I am no bureaucrat with prompts, or how far the author may deviate from the theme.

I also do not count words or keep tabs on clocks and calendars.

Furthermore, I read every word of every entry. (Some contest hosts will drop your story cold if your first line fails to hook them.)

Keangaroo's "Rules"

1 - Write an original story or poem which includes the words "She" (or he or they) "Liked It" (or loved it, or perhaps even hated it). The original idea was to have it end with "She liked it." But I don't want to limit you.

2A - Post the link to this contest at the end of your post.

2B - Put keangaroo first in your hashtag; otherwise it will be more tedious for me to locate your story while judging.

3 - Post it at Steemit. Copy the URL. Paste it into the Comment section of this post.

5 SBD will be awarded to every contest entrant who is curated for the anthology.

Deadline: Friday, February 2, 2018

Your time zone or mine - if your entry is awesome, you might slip it in a day or two late.

Authors will retain the rights to their work

except as pertains to the sales or distribution of the anthologies.
Each author will also receive a printed, bound copy of their book. A real, physical book with professional cover art.

The Isle will be actively promoting the anthologies on and off Steemit to maximize exposure for these talented writers .

Again, The Isle of Write Curation Announcement spells out the details.

We look forward to seeing where your imagination takes you. And to be sure your writing skills help you get there, try the Isle of Write workshop. It's free!

art and flair courtesy of @PegasusPhysics

*Pixabay photos courtesy of Tomasz Mikołajczyk

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