Keto Friendly Chia Chocolate Pudding

Makes 4 servings

2 tbls chia seeds
2 tbls ground flax seeds
1 tbls unsweetened Cocoa powder
16 oz unsweetened coconut milk
2 oz unsweetened dried coconut flakes
Stevia to taste (I use 1 gram of bulk white pure Stevia)

Mix the coconut milk and unsweetened coconut together in a bowl. Let sit for an hour or so to allow the dried coconut to rehydrate.

Add the chia seeds, ground flax seeds and cocoa powder to the rehydrated coconut. Mix well and allow to sit for about an hour until the pudding has thickened. Add stevia or another non-nutritive sweetener and stir well. Enjoy!

Chia Seeds – Cal. 60, carbs 4, fiber 4, protein 2
Flax seeds – Cal. 75, carbs 4, fiber 3.8, protein 2.6
Unsweetened Cocoa – Cal. 12, carbs 3, fiber 1.7, protein 1
Coconut milk – Cal. 90, carbs 4, fiber 2, protein 0
Coconut flakes – Cal 410, carbs 15 fiber 7.4, protein 3.8

Totals – 647/4= 162
Carbs – 39/4 = 9.75
Fiber – 20.2/4 = 5.05
Net carbs – 19/4 = 4.75
Protein – 9.4/4 = 2.35

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