How to have children changing your life?

Children are our footprint in the world, we know that people are born and from there on we have a safe destination, it is the only natural destination that we know that we all face. But beyond that common and very natural destiny, is the knowledge and the power to understand the great things that we can do in life while we are on earth. The marks that we leave on others are possibly the best traces that we can make in life, these traces we leave in other people in a good way through our actions and our way of thinking.

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That said, we must know that our children are the most important people before whom we can leave a mark, children can become the greatest contribution we can leave our country, this, if we educate them well and in the right way, Then, if we do it in a bad way, if we leave them a bad way of seeing the world, a bad way of thinking and a very bad way of doing things. We simply can not have left a good footprint in the world in any way.

First, we must know and be totally clear and aware that if we ourselves are not the example we should give our children, we must start by changing ourselves, we can do it from the sport for example. Sport is one of the healthiest activities and best views in the world, sport helps to keep people, not only children, but everyone from bad steps, vices, drugs. The bad behaviors, their training gives them discipline, they give them responsibility and they forge the character, so if we become practicing people of the sport, then surely we will also be a good example for our children and for the children of other people very surely as well.

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We must begin to practice all the good values, responsibility, commitment, friendship, kindness, humility, love and transmit them to our children, and we must do it in a sincere way because we are born, because we are given that way And not otherwise.

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If we have some kind of addiction we must do everything possible to leave, we must, as we said at the beginning of this article, be the most important example for our children, this example we pretend to be, deserves our sincerity before them, we can not use drugs or have any type of addiction of this type, we can not be drunk citizens addicted to alcohol if what we want is for our children to be good citizens, we must be ethical citizens and with a good moral recognized and respected by others.

Our education can influence that of our children so we must make an effort to help them in their training, at least since they are very young. As we see it is possible to influence them correctly.


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