5 Tools That Make Cleaning fun For Kids!

When it comes to chores, most kids would choose to play, watch TV, or delve into video games instead. One of the tricks I found to keep chores interesting is the use of tools! This especially works for my 4 and 6 year olds.

You may be wondering what tools I speak of.
Here they are!!


1. Dusters! Give them a rag, and they look at you like you have a hole in your head, but give them a funky little duster, and it makes all the difference! They worked well at collecting all the dust too!

2. Spray bottles! Kids love to play with spray bottles, but of course you wouldn't let them use the household cleaner you have locked away. I have an innocuous recipe for a fantastic window cleaner that is safe for kids to use! Take a 16 oz. bottle, fill it with 3 Tbsp. of white vinegar, 2 Tbsp. rubbing alcohol, and 1 1/2 cups of water. It's safe and it works great!! If you still don't feel comfortable (say you have a 2 year old like me) giving them this, just put water in the spray bottle and let them wipe down the refrigerator or the dishwasher. Then stand back and watch them make things squeaky clean!


3. Dish wands! I filled dish wands halfway with white vinegar and halfway with strong dish soap, and let them scrub the tub. This easy solution is safe (just make sure they know not to get it in their eyes), and it takes care of soap scum! Something about using the wands makes them want to clean!! 🙂

4. Tongs Picking up toys and clothes with tongs just makes it more fun! It also helps with dexterity. The only reason I don't do this myself is because I'm a boring adult now. Kids love it though.

5. Dish tub and socks! Ok, If you're very adventurous try this. Your children will have a blast and will hopefully remember it forever. Put a tiny bit of non-toxic cleaner in a dish tub with some water. Have your kids put some socks on, step in the solution, and *clean the floor with their feet by 'skating' around!! I've only done this once, and I'm not sure if I'll ever do this again. 😂

One extra note: Put on some cleaning music!! YouTube has playlists of cleaning songs directed at children. It might be annoying for you, but watching them sing and dance along as they do their chores is well worth it.

I hope you enjoyed my tips! You can purchase these items at the Dollar Tree! Dish wands were 3X more at Walmart! 🤗


Thanks for reading!!

Love, snowpea ❤

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