My entries for the KillerPix Contest, Round #30

April Showers is this week's #killerpix theme. Here are my two entries:

1. April Showers on May Flowers

That moment the sun peaks through the clouds right after (or during) a fresh spring rain... :D You never know what you'll find in your own garden until you walk around with a camera and a closeup lens!


2. Spring Camping

Camping in April in Ontario can be hit or miss - there's only one or two weeks where the ground is sufficiently dry and the temperature tolerable before the bugs crash the party, but your early bird adventure can become a soggy mess in no time if you aren't prepared for it! Bring those waterproof matches...and some dry wood.

Full disclosure: this photo wasn't taken on an actual camping trip - I made it using a sprinkler in the backyard. No campfires were dampened in the making of this image. ;)

campfire by derek kind.jpg

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