Music in my Soul: Up a Tree in New Orleans

Who plays guitar in a tree? I do. I can't be the only one, especially in a city as seeped in music as New Orleans.

This photo shoot was done years ago (lets not count how many, okay?), and my mother used this pic for the cover of her book Why People Live in New Orleans, which she wrote in the aftermath of the hurricane that was not named after me. (My dad thought he went through hurricane Katrina when I was a teenager, then they had to face the storm, too.)

This photo was taken in Audubon Park, and the tree so kindly supporting my guitar-playing self is a Live Oak. Photo by Dom Koric. I love the Spanish Moss hanging from the trees!

guitar in tree

My parents recently moved away from this gorgeous city. Dodging hurricanes every year got old. I'm glad they relocated, but I'll miss visiting New Orleans. It's one of my favourite places on earth, and having roots in NOLA has made y'all part of my everyday speech. I'm a fun mix of American and Canadian. Every so often I even sneak y'all and 'eh in the same sentence. :)

Thanks for checking out my post! Keep being awesome!

Peace, y'all. @katrina-ariel

Katrina Ariel

#teamcanada #teamusa

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