Killerpix Contest - Fear - Entry

Arachnophobia is a common fear, and while some spiders are legitimately dangerous, most are completely harmless to human beings. This particular spider likes to hide in holes, and sheltered spaces. It builds a disorganized web, strewn with the remains of previous meals, interestingly the web forms a floor and a cave like opening leads to the spider's preferred shelter, all build with spider silk. Furthermore, this is a very shy spider, coming out only at night and scurrying to safety at the slightest disturbance that doesn't feel like a trapped insect.

So, how did I get a clear, well lit picture?

I used an external off camera flash, hand held, while sensitive to vibration, it didn't care the slightest about the bright flashes of light. This spider has very poor eyesight, four of its eight eyes are visible at the front of the head.

I wonder if it's cheating if the "fear" depicted is not my own, if you like spiders and macro photography: hit follow and soon more will show up in your feed!

Free tip: using a lot of light (from a flash/strobe or even just a flashlight) allows you to stop down the aperture on the camera, giving you more depth of field making for a more forgiving macro photography experience.

@killerwhale's Killerpix contest Theme and rules post.

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