Tears of Joy... An outlook on life

Tears of joy are like the summer rain drops pierced by sunbeams. - Hosea Ballou

Rain - on a summer eve, when I am depressed and sitting alone at home - you would think it just makes my mood darker - Right?

Wrong. If I am depressed, I throw open the window, wait for that brilliant sliver of sunlight to penetrate through the thick foliage.

The magical sunlight turns the glistening raindrops into sparks of joy - shining like some unknown precious stones... Diamonds pale in comparison.

I am happy again. My eyes water - but with a overwhelming emotion of hope. Those raindrops are symbolic for me. They show me that nothing lasts for ever. The darkest clouds pass. Rain stops. Sunshine comes around again. I hop up and go about my business!

No inspirational talk can achieve more. This subtle but exciting reminder from nature is what tears of joy are all about...

Note: Photo captured at my home in India with my Nikon P900 camera on a rainy summer afternoon this year (May 2017)...

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