POEM: Fighting Fear

Oppression disgusts me. Always has.

Can't we all just respect each other and live in peace? Agree to disagree, at times, but agree that we all share this planet, and work together to make it a better place? This poem was inspired by the fight for freedom that has gripped the human race throughout history.

Power to the people!

wonder woman resistance.jpg

I took this photo after seeing Wonder Woman last summer. We all need to be superheros, methinks... That said, I think we already are. It isn't easy being human. All we can do is give our best in each moment, and be true to ourselves.

We are the change...

The Resistance

Fear rises
Again and again
Shaking its many
Tails and heads.

Some things are simple
A deep breath, a new thought,
Others elude
As solutions are sought.

Power abused,
People misused,
So many confused,
But we need to choose

To fight this fear.
Yet not all are fighters.
How does a pacifist
Take on the biters?

Fear shakes me,
Tries to overtake me.
But I’m stronger
Than that which tries to break me.

The rebel in me
Wants to say, “Fuck fear!
Down with oppressors.
Let’s slay them right here.”

But mothering instincts
Force a retreat.
My place isn’t the front line,
But I won’t accept defeat.

I am a shelter,
Creating safety in a storm.
I give love freely,
From this, hope is born.

I see you, warriors,
Fighting for what’s right.
I’m behind you, with you,
Shining a light.

I’m a warrior too,
But I stand back to see
All the beautiful people
Fighting to be free.

Original poem by Katrina Ariel

This is an entry for @rumplestiltskin's Killer Poetry Contest.

Thanks for reading! Keep being you.

Peace. @katrina-ariel

Katrina Ariel

Author bio: Katrina Ariel is an old-soul rebel, musician, tree-hugging yogini, and mama bear to twins. Author of Yoga for Dragon Riders (non-fiction) and Wild Horse Heart (romance), she's another free-spirit swimming in the ocean of Steemit.

dragon art: Liiga Smilshkalne

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