POEM: Warrior Spirit Bright — Inspired by Lord of the Rings

This is a Gemini poem. One thought turns into another; I wander into Middle Earth and back again, imagination in flight.

I wrote this tonight, heart aflame, warrior spirit bright.

I have never understood why humans must fight.

Hope you enjoy my somewhat dark broodings . . .

via giphy.com — Strider/Aragorn immortalized by Viggo Mortensen

Warrior Spirit Bright

Still enslaved, struggling to get by,
Though this beautiful planet invites us to thrive.
This oppression that has trudged through time,
Grows like a death vine, leaved with lies.

There's always an epic battle to fight.
A warrior burns impossibly bright,
And must endure each transformation,
The alchemy of Evolution’s might.

We need a hundred Gandalfs, a thousand Aragorns,
Armies of Galadriels, Arwens and Eowens.
The call rings out across the land,
Echoes over mountains, water and sand.

I find my tribe, connect with clan,
Dance and sing, reach out a hand.
We weave a web of infinite span
Blazing hearts, together we stand.

My pipe is packed, my sword afire,
Laughter drowning out the ire.
Through each day I toil and tire,
All for the dream of freedom's shire.

Original poetry by Katrina Ariel, with a hat tipped to J.R.R. Tolkien.

All gifs via giphy.com: clips from the movie Lord of the Rings, directed by Peter Jackson, based on the masterpiece by J.R.R. Tolkien.

Okay. Hope you enjoyed that. It was cathartic for me.

Blessed be.


Katrina Ariel

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