"KILL THE PAD" CHALLENGE! WEEK #1 | Bullying | "The List"

He was a freckle face fart machine yo
Freckle fart from K-Mart nah mean bro?
Pale skin, freckled face, red eyed - albino
Wore school slacks we rocked Square One jeans though

I really don't know why I was so damn mean though
Insecure kid tryna boost my ego
He'd grab us food from the school canteen yo
"We're hungry little cunt, go grab us a feed - GO!"

We called him Pip like that kid from southpark
Wasn't from round here outa place in our yard
Never got bashed didn't need no mouthgard
but head fuck shit can be twice as foul bra

Fast forward years I'd see him round a bit
Felt engulfed with guilt cos we were total dicks
I said "hey mate, sorry for being a prick"
Thanked me, smiled said he'd cross me off his list ...

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