Odds are.....You Won't Believe it


Down the rabbit hole. The one I believe has a bottom. Some will not even admit it exists. But, those reading this have probably become aware of some discrepancies relating to a belief they have held. Some, in fact, that have completely changed how they look at the world.

In 2007, I first learned about the discrepancies in the 9/11 narrative while watching a DVD a friend had been given while visiting ground zero in 2006. That DVD immediately changed who I was by writing it out plain as day that the world is run by conspiracies. I mean, how could anybody see and accept we were lied to about 9/11, but think the media was still legit? It was immediately obvious to me that the media was controlled and thus, what they had been making me think about for over three decades, was not reality. So, with this new way of understanding the world, I spoke with many people about what I had learned. It was unreal. The evidence I saw that made me aware of the lies didn't seem to have the same affect on others. Most got upset and I truly felt like Alice in Wonderland. It was then I learned about cognitive dissonance and climbed a little further down the rabbit hole. I can tell you from my own experience on this journey, the strangest and most difficult thing to accept is how few people have the ability to create real change. It had become very clear to me how bread and circuses have always kept the people under the influence of deception.

That friend I watched the DVD with in 2007, well he wasn't as aware as he thought he was. He was on the same page as me understanding 9/11 was a lie. However, the longer we delved into the who, what's, and why's about that horrible day, it became aware that he could only accept it as an inside job because he was a Democrat and he thought the attack had been planned by Bush and the Republicans. It was then I started to realize there were depths of the rabbit hole some would not go below. And that's where we run into a major kink in the flow of educating others on conspiracies. I am open for discussions on any topics. And in those discussions, I am open to admit the topic on hand may be nothing more than a fabricated story. But too many truth seekers cannot do this. Religion is the best example of this. If one cannot admit what they believe in, is only a belief and may be based on man made laws and rules, they will never know true awareness. My senses have never made me aware that religion is something that was important for me. Nor, has anybody brought any reason to my attention that really made me think twice about it's importance. I am only using religion as an example, not picking on it. But, if it upsets you to read those words, then my point has been proven. Until we can all take that strange, painful, and upsetting journey to the bottom of the hole together, we will always disagree about what is truth. These ideas, or beliefs that give people a feeling of purpose, also keep them in a state of suspension. All but one of my beliefs are now "could be's". The only real belief I hold is that there is a bottom to all of the deception, or what we all seek........reality.


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