KLEROS - The best decentralized application for dispute resolution

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Currently we live in a world in which there are thousands of different topics, by this I mean that there are people studied in all possible topics.And it is not easy to be an expert in everything, we can be in many things but not in everything, so sometimes we have to ask an expert or someone with experience to help us with some tasks that we can not do anymore be because of inexperience or simply a matter of time. So many times to hire someone to help us in certain tasks, but, not everything always goes as we wish, maybe a logo designer did not make the logo as you wanted it and taking it to a court can be more expensive than the product...

This is when Kleros (a decentralized application dedicated to disputes with a "multi-purpose court system") it helps us solve all kinds of disputes, and although there are sometimes platforms that offer refunds, this system can be slow and not always effective.Then Kleros will not have to depend on the honesty of the individuals, but on the theoretical economic incentives of the game. Kleros uses the system of crowdsourcing, blockchain and game theory to reach justice in disputes.

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The Problem and Kleros Solution

With the problems that exist daily with the global, digital and decentralized economy resolving disputes between a sender and a receiver can be a big problem, since they occur in areas where they can not be resolved by state courts and resolution methods. existing disputes.
Kleros has the best Blockchain-based dispute system, connecting users with the need to resolve disputes, so Kleros offers judges with the ability to resolve disputes easily, quickly and easily.

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Use Case with Kleros

A young guy named Logan with a big project he has in mind,wants to make that project a reality,and for that the first thing it will do is to get a web page with a great interface design and with information and fundamental tools so that users can better understand about the project,so he decided to hire a team that he knew which has 3 members which is calledr "The TP *(The programmers)". The guy (Logan) he can not make the web page himself due to lack of programming experience, so he chooses to hire the team. The problem comes when the final result of the website does not meet all the requirements requested, so the boy can count with Kleros to analyze and resolve the dispute with professionals since he integrated it into the created intelligent contract.

Project description:

- 1 Arbitrated Contracts:

The creators of smart contracts must choose Kleros as referee,The selection of the details is very important and counts on the creator of the contract to choose: Number of juries, Contract category (subcourt) and Results. They should also choose a specialized court in the subject, for example they can be transport, electronic commerce, etc...

"If a dispute arises, "the juries will receive a series of possible outcomes to choose from. The options are stipulated by the contracting parties in advance."

- 1.1 Options for jurors:

The contract will specify what functions the juries may have, these functions can be:

"Reimburse Logan": This function will make the funds transferred back to Logan

"Give The TP one extra week to finish the website”: The team will have one more week of time to make possible changes within the web page.

“Pay The TP”: This function will make the team receive the funds.

- 1.2 Privacy:

In disputes, some information about the entire The Programmers team may be revealed, so that no outside person can hear and manipulate that information, you can hire the natural languages (English or other) and the jury voting options labels are not placed in the Blockchain. Like the information about when a contract is made, the creator sends a hash (contract text, list of options, salt, etc.).

Drawing Jurors

- 2 Token:

The Token of the system has the name of Pinakion. The candidates will self-select to serve as jurors using a token called pinakion (PNK). The jury will be chosen to resolve cases of disputes, the probability of being drawn as a jury for a specific dispute is proportional to the amount of chips of a jury that deposited. So if the juries that do not deposit the token will have a 0% chance of being elected, and those who deposit, the more they deposit, the more they will have chance to be elected.

In addition "Pinakion will provide incentives to honest judges by making inconsistent judges pay part of their deposit to a coherent one.."

- 2.1 Jury selection

As I mentioned earlier, the selection of the jury is totally random,a candidate can be drawn more than once for a specific dispute,when more tokens are deposited, the more likely it is that the user will be chosen.

Example: The following image that the White Paper of Kleros offers us explains an example case if there is a total of 6 registered users with an amount of 10,000 tokens deposited in the following way:

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- 2.2 Random number generation

This will help judges who need a process to create random numbers that are resistant to manipulation. An attacker can make a dispute between himself, becomes a victim and chooses his own jury to resolve the dispute

-2.3 Votes

Jurors can not be influenced by the other jurors since none can see the other's vote, In addition, the system is designed so that the vote can not be withdrawn or changed, also the jury must explain why he chose the vote (the judge)
  • If a judge wants to reveal his voice to another party, he has two options:

Say only vote. The party will have no evidence that this party actually voted in that way. The jury can be a lie about it and the other party should not verify it.

Express your voice and commitment. The party will have a proof of vote, but the party can also steal the pinion of this jury.

- 2.4 Arbitration fees

To reward the jurors who resolved the dispute between To reward the jurors who resolved the dispute between The TP and Logan, Logan will receive arbitration fees, each member of the jury will be given a fee that will be specified in the sub-court where the dispute is resolved. The intelligent contract will determine the pay part of the arbitration rate.

- 2.5 Appeals

If there is an inconvenience between the juries, either by a vote which the other jurors consider unfair or it was a decision that the jury arrived, the dispute can be made again, this will add double jury plus one, but the fee for the new dispute will have to be paid.

- 2.6 Incentive System

This is the system that will ensure that the juries are totally honest, since his vote does not agree with the other votes of the other jurors, the jury of the incoherent vote will lose tokens which will be addressed to the other judges. So honesty will be present in the juries.

- 3 Attack resistance

  • Buying half of the tokens: If a user wants to buy many tokens in the dispute such as more than half to control almost the total power of the votes this will bring the uneven distribution of the tokens and the sales of tokens will not be guaranteed

  • Bribe: To bribe a jury it is only necessary to follow a few simple steps but in Kleros it is not so easy, since a bribe will lower the ability to win the argument or not, it could also go very expensive with the probability of losing the case.

- 4 Court Arborescence

Each jury can register a maximum of one subcourt of each token cut that is activated. When registering the juries they begin by the General Court and follow up to a sub-court determined to their abilities, if they could choose the subcourts some will choose all to obtain the maximum rate.

- 5 Governance Mechanism

It is necessary to create new subcourts to make changes in the policies and parameters of the service area and update the platform in new versions with features. According to the number of tokens the owners will receive votes.

There is also a subforum to elect delegates to vote in certain subgroups, this is a type of intelligent conrato that implements a complete arbitration regulation.

- 6 Applications

Escrow • Micro tasking • Insurance, Oracle, • Curated lists • Social networks.

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Doges Test

Kleros has launched this test to show how the platform works, here the doges take over the website so that users can try to verify the authenticity of the doges.

You can take the test here

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Now the small companies will benefit from this platform, since they will be able to resolve any dispute that happens within their company with Klero a decentralized judicial system platform that allows the arbitrage of intelligent contracts. Now the courts are different, since now we will have judges of high quality that we will get easily and economically. We can use Klero in many ways as:

This is the most effective and orderly way to resolve disputes presented all from the Blokchain technology.

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This is Kleros roadmap that started in 2018 and arrives until April 2019

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Kleros team has very professional members with very successful curriculum, here I will leave the photos plus charges. all have much experience in the world of Blockchain, these people make Kleros a reality.



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And we must not overlook the advisors, who also do their job

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Kleros Partners

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Kleros in the News

nasdaaq 1.PNGArticle
International Business time.PNGArticle

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Images Source: Arbitrated Contracts, Juror Image, Incentive System, Subforum, Team, First Image, Token, Court Arborescence, DogeTest

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More of Kleros

Here is a presentation made by me to understand the platform better

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This is an entry for the @OriginalWorks contest, you can participate HERE I hope you like, and Thanks to @OriginalWorks and Kleros for this awesome contest.

OriginalWorks Contest

Twitter Link

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Twitter Screenshot

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