3 Pro-Tips to Optimize Your Steemit.com Performance

While this post is more geared towards newcomers to our lovely STEEM network even seasoned veterans like myself may find a small cache of valuable time saving information in the post outlined below. Will be sharing with you my top 3 Pro-tips learned over the past year's experience on Steemit.com, condensed into a few short paragraphs and illustrations.

PROTIP #1: Fast Replies? Tab to Fly!

Save yourself fumbling for the mouse or post button when responding to comments simply by hitting the "Tab" key after your message and pressing "Enter" afterwards. Not only will you save yourself a few valuable seconds trying to locate and navigate with your mouse but once you train yourself to use this method every time you comment you'l notice it's less of a choir to get socially interactive with others! Type your comment, tap "Tab" then "Enter" and BAM!

STEEM Pro-Tip #1 is now in your arsenal!

Keyboard shortcuts are what separate the noobs from the veterans!

PROTIP #2: Copy & Paste Make Image Haste!

Plenty of image hosting sites exist on the internet.. But let's face it.. It's a friggin slow and clunky pain in the ass to navigate to an image host, select your image, upload it, copy the link, paste it in your post and then style it.. It's almost 2020! If it takes you more than 1 or 2 steps to achieve an intended outcome when trying to create something unique you NEED to work on your streamlining!

Personally I always have a graphics editor (98% of the time MS-Paint) open and waiting to recieve clipboard data or doodles to suit my current task. After some time to trail and error as well as time to optimize my image game I came up with a brilliant way to get screencaps, edit them and upload them in 3 easy steps below:

Get Screenshot Using "Print Screen" Key to Copy Your Screen..
Paste This In Favourite Program (MS-Paint) Using ctrl + v keys.

Use your 1337 graphics design skills to make the required edits you wish and select what you'd like to upload to your post with the selection tool or select the whole canvas by using ctrl + a shortcut.. When you have your image part selected hit ctrl + c keys to copy it to the clipboard! Of course once you are done editing...

Next step is to navigate in your upcoming post or comment. Click your cursor where you want to have your freshly copied/edited image placed and hit ctrl + v keys to upload the image straight to your post without having to select it manually in an upload prompt!

If you were sort of paying attention you may have learned the 2nd Pro-Tip offered here!

PROTIP #3: Always Use 5 Tags

Imagine Steemit.com as a baseball game. You're out in the field (the internet) and you want to catch the ball (big post payouts) every time to win right? Now if you'll imagine every one of the 5 allowed tags on a post is a finger on your hand.. You certainly would have a much better chance of catching the ball utilizing all your fingers to catch.. Wouldn't you?

Each of the 5 tags allowed to describe your post should be viewed as a finger or something perhaps even more valuable.. Tags are what get's your post displayed to others that are browsing. Pick popular tags and utilize them to your advantage. Always remember the 1st tag of your post submission cannot be changed afterwards so make sure it's relevant!

Assuming you didn't fall for the alt+f4 joke up there and get lost on your way back you may have in fact improved your Steemit efficiency allowing you to make better use of your time.. and thus achieve higher profits!.. or something. Now it's time for you to go implement these Pro-Tips in your day to day STEEM life. Have a great day everyone!


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